The Importance of the 9/11 Memorial Everyone remembers where they were when they first heard the news of the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. Since this traumatic day, many memorials have been made to honor the people who lost their lives. The memorial in New York City at Ground Zero has become a popular place for many people around the world to come visit. More than 21 million people have visited this memorial since its opening in 2011 (National September 11 Memorial & Museum). It especially allows for a place for family members to come and remember their loved ones that passed on this day. The National 9/11 Memorial at Ground Zero provides the history of what happened on that horrific day through its location and design, but some view it as On September 11, 2011, there were four terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group known as al-Qaeda. It was a serious of suicide attacks targeting United States landmarks. People were killed within three different situations on that day; when the hijackers crashed into each tower of the World Trade Center in New York City, when a plane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington D.C, and when a plane flew into a field in Shanksville, PA. Over 3,000 people were killed during all the attacks, including more than 400 police officers and rescue workers. Only six people in the World Trade Center survived and there was over 10,000 people injured (National September 11 Memorial & Museum).
The 9/11 Memorial at Ground Zero is
The 9/11 Memorial has about 300,000 people visit it each year, you should be one of them to. If you go to New York the 9/11 Memorial is becoming one of the top tourist attractions in the city, and I can’t see why it's not at the top already. The 9/11 Memorial is a beautiful pool with gushing water running down its sides, and within the pool there is a smaller square pool that still has water running down to it. Just to top it off, it has trees that surround the pools, just imagine it when it’s in the fall and all the leaves turn colors and the leaves may float down and into the pool. The best part about visiting the 9/11 Memorial is that it is free! You should be one of the 300,000 a year.
The National September 11 Memorial & Museum was unveiled two months ago in the tenth anniversary of the September 11 attacks, commemorating the 2,977 casualties. The memorial site consists of two large waterfalls and reflecting pools, and parapets inscribed with the names of the people killed encompass those pools. The museum contains more than 11,000 items and 40,000 photos that depict what happened at the World Trade Center. Laura Anderson, aged 33, is seen visiting the memorial every week since the opening of it, walking around the fountains and lingering for hours. She laments about her boyfriend’s demise that occurred after he had visited a friend on that fateful day who worked in the towers. The couple always used to saunter around Lower
Many People are still affected emotionally by September 11 2001 today. A huge number of people are still facing mental health issues. They are trying very hard to forget about the past and move on with there every day life. Many still fear that there might be another terror attack in the United States. The American psychological association found that people living in New York who have experienced the World Trade Center attack are showing more mental health problems more than any other place. Many people feel that we should honor our love one and the police and fireman that lost their lives because of 9/11. The National September 11 memorial and Museum at the World Trade Center has been established to honor the dead and respect the historic site of America’s tragic loss. The memorial was opened on September 11 2011. It consist of two huge pools with the nation’s largest human=made waterfalls located on the site between the two fallen towers. The name of those who died at the WTC, pentagon, and in Pennsylvania aboard flight 93 . The Museum presents a gallery that tells the story of 9/11. It contains artifacts, photographs and multimedia display.
Traveling to the 9/11 memorial brought a heavy feeling to my heart today. It’s pretty hard to go somewhere and stand on the ground where thousands and thousands of people lost their lives. Especially since I personally lost loved ones during the attacks. Not only did the going into the memorial bring a different feeling to you, it was also one of the best educational experiences I’ve had in a while. I learned so many things that happened that day than I really actually knew about. For instance, I never really had full insight on what had actually happened on the place during the hijacking, but after memorial had all these short little clips that explained each scenario in depth. Another one of my favorite parts of the memorial
Looking at the memorial hurt, but touching the memorial is what killed. A surge of pain ran up my arm as I placed my hand upon the memorial and began thinking of all the pain it had brought me even though years had passed. As the agony engulfed me, I fell to my knees. Then I began to ponder why anyone would want such a concrete reminder of what happened during this disastrous event. These are the thoughts that may have went through the minds of the subjects in the images, A Man Kneels before the 9/11 Memorial and The Old Vet and His Tank. Both of these photographs depict sadness for the viewer by making the men the focal points of the images. The photographers, Justin Lane and English Russia, additionally portray sorrow by the context and
The 911 memorial is a very thought-provoking place to visit, along with many other places in New York. It makes you want to think about what the people have been through. If they survived the attacks, or if they were sadly one of the many who died. Almost 10,000 people visit the site each day. I have never been the the memorial but I have read that people say it is “breathtaking”. If you ever visit New York, this should be on your to-do list.
Visit the principal memorial and museum that commemorate the terrorist attack of 9/11, when almost 3000 people lost their lives, and the 1993 bombing, when 6 people were killed. The National September 11 Memorial & Museum is situated at the World Trade Centre site, the former location of the Twin Towers, which were destroyed during the terror attacks of September 11.
On September 11, 2001, nineteen militants associated with the Islamic extremist group Al-Qaeda hijacked four airliners and carried out suicide attacks in the United States. Two planes were flown into the towers of the World Trade Centre in New York City. A third plane hit the Pentagon just outside Washington D.C., and the fourth plane crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Often referred to as 9/11, the attack resulted in extensive death and destruction. This triggered the major U.S. initiatives to combat terrorism and defining the presidency of George W. Bush. Over three thousand people were killed during the attacks in New York City and Washington D.C., including more than four hundred
The September 11 assaults (often referred to as 9/11) involved a series of four organised terrorist assaults by the Islamic terrorist group Al-Qaeda in the United States on the Tuesday morning of, September 11, 2001. The assaults comprised of suicide attacks that were used to target popular U.S landmarks. This atrocity was carried out by 19 terrorists from the east coast of America, where they hijacked four airlines, which they later crashed into the twin towers in New York City. Two American airline planes: flight 11 and flight 175 crashed into the north and south towers of the World Trade Centre and within 2 hours collapsed also affected 10 other buildings located in the same vicinity. A third plane flew into the United States department of defence building, more commonly known as the Pentagon. Lastly the fourth plane steered towards Washington D.C, the passengers became aware about the other attacks and they tried to intervene, this caused the plane crash into a field near Pennsylvania. It was the deadliest incident for fire –fighters and law enforcement
September 11th, 2001 is now a date discussed in history lessons. While the post-9/11 generations may not have witnessed the changes of this tragic event, which rapidly filled every crevice of US society, they have an entire generation ready to narrate what they witnessed on and after that day. The expeditious reaction made a permanent mark on American culture.
It was a normal day in New York City, with business workers rushing into the World Trade Center. They thought it was going to be like any other day in the office but they were wrong. These office workers were in for the biggest surprise of their life. Planes flown by hijackers crashed into both the Twin Towers, and the Pentagon was hit by a plane as well. Now there is a memorial in New York where the bases of the towers were honoring the people who died that day.
On September 11, 2001, the Islamist terrorist group known as al-Qaeda launched a series of terrorist attacks on the United States of America, specifically in the New York City and Washington D.C areas. Nineteen al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four planes with the intention of using them as suicide attacks that would crash those planes into designated buildings, or targets. Two of the four passenger jets were flown into the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, both of which collapsed entirely within two hours of being hit. The third plane was crashed into the Pentagon, and the west side of the building, which is the
The National September 11 Memorial is a place of remembrance honoring those who perished in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001 and February 26, 1993. The creation of the memorial allow people to come together to reflect on what happened there, not alone but as a community in a public space where people gather and congregate. My experience there was over all a very moving one. I believe every American should visit the memorial and take time to remember the women, men and children that lost their lives at ground
On September 11, 2001, members of the terrorist group al-Qaeda hijacked four airplanes. At 8:45 in the morning, an American Airlines plane crashed into the north tower of the World Trade Center. Hundreds of people were killed instantly, and hundreds more were trapped in the burning building. It was thought to be only a freak accident. Less than twenty minutes later, a United Airlines plane crashed into the south tower. It was no longer an accident, but an attack. Later on that morning the third plane hit the Pentagon, and passengers overtook the last plane and crashed it into a field in Pennsylvania. The combined damage from all four planes resulted in the deaths of over 3,000 people, and injuries to another 10,000. Only six people who were
September 11, 2001, millions of New Yorkers and American citizens woke up and started their day, unprepared and unaware for the catastrophic attack that would be taking place in just a few short hours. At 8:46 a.m., Eastern Standard Time, Flight 11 crashed into the North Tower. The impact killed all of the passengers and crew as well as hundreds inside the building. At 9:03 a.m., a second plane, Flight 175, crashed into the corner of the South Tower killing passenger, crew, and workers who worked on floors seventy-five to eighty-three. Flight 77 crashed into the Pentagon at 9:37 a.m. killing approximately 185 individuals ( Staff). Because of the damaged to the support system, fires, and impact at extremely fast speed, the South Tower collapsed at 9:59 a.m. (Lipton and Glanz). Having heard about the acts of terrorism that had just taken place in New York and Washington, D.C., a group of passengers drove their plane, Flight 93, into a Pennsylvania field killing everyone on board but possibly saving hundreds of other lives in the process. The North Tower collapsed at 10:28 a.m. 102 minutes after being struck ( Staff). On September 11, 2001, almost twelve hundred people were wounded or killed by “coordinated suicide attempts” by Al Qaeda terrorists. In result to the four airplanes being hijacked and used for premediated reasons, the United States government instituted new regulations for entering the country and airport security as well as expounded on systems already in place.