
The Importance Of The 9 / 11 Memorial

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The Importance of the 9/11 Memorial Everyone remembers where they were when they first heard the news of the terrorist attacks on September 11th, 2001. Since this traumatic day, many memorials have been made to honor the people who lost their lives. The memorial in New York City at Ground Zero has become a popular place for many people around the world to come visit. More than 21 million people have visited this memorial since its opening in 2011 (National September 11 Memorial & Museum). It especially allows for a place for family members to come and remember their loved ones that passed on this day. The National 9/11 Memorial at Ground Zero provides the history of what happened on that horrific day through its location and design, but some view it as On September 11, 2011, there were four terrorist attacks by the Islamic terrorist group known as al-Qaeda. It was a serious of suicide attacks targeting United States landmarks. People were killed within three different situations on that day; when the hijackers crashed into each tower of the World Trade Center in New York City, when a plane crashed into the Pentagon in Washington D.C, and when a plane flew into a field in Shanksville, PA. Over 3,000 people were killed during all the attacks, including more than 400 police officers and rescue workers. Only six people in the World Trade Center survived and there was over 10,000 people injured (National September 11 Memorial & Museum).
The 9/11 Memorial at Ground Zero is

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