
The Importance Of The Foster Care System

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The foster care system has been around for generations, constantly adjusting the system to modernize it. But there’s been a loss of protection in the system through these last few years. The foster care system needs to change because children are being placed in unsafe environments, funding is going in unnecessary places, the adoption process has some discouraging qualifications, and education in the system doesn’t have a huge importance. Children in the foster care system are being put in unsafe environments on a daily basis, such as abusive, drug using, or alcoholic foster parents. This has become a pattern, a large number of adults who grew up in the foster care system, have experienced one, if not more of these unsafe environments. An article by Brittany Hines Clark about her experience in the foster care system, she says. “I went to a long-term placement when I was 7 years old. I stayed there for about five years, but they weren’t the most pleasant years. At first, I was the only girl in the home, with three boys. By the time I was moved, five years later, there were six boys there, and I was still the only girl. Only one of the boys was my biological brother. During my time in that home, I was physically and sexually manipulated. So many things went on there, but only my outbursts were reported to my social worker. I even was put in the home of a different member of that family so that the foster parent would continue getting paid”(Clark).
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