
The Importance Of The Holocaust

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“The Nazis are coming! The Nazis are coming!” They’re hunting you down if you are not part of the Aryan Race. Those heartless, ruthless “racially superior” humans invaded the formerly cozy country of the Netherlands only a few days ago and are destroying the community. The Germans will search high and low, catch you, and harm you if you are Jewish and living in the open with fake identification papers.

Adolf Hitler, the leader of these actions, believes that only tall people with pure German blood, blonde hair, and blue eyes are good enough to form his “master race. Hitler declared, “I want war. To me all means will be right. My motto is not "Don't, whatever you do, annoy the enemy." My motto is "Destroy him by all and any means." I am the …show more content…

The purpose of opening up your home to a frightened “inferior” is to keep them from Nazi control.

Your friends and family need a shelter-- a safe and sound hiding place. As non-targeted citizens of the town, you need to do what is right and allow anybody that is in danger, into your home. This must be a secret to provide the new roommates with food, water, clothing, and toiletry items so they can continue their lifestyle while hiding from the dangers that the menacing Nazi’s present.

Remember, your fellow citizens have nothing with them while they run through these streets, seeking a temporary home. If you happen to be one of the gracious souls who gives up a portion of their home until this tragedy ends, let your guest stay for no charge and give them privacy and peace. Perhaps you should make a meal for them and report to them the latest news. Make your residence the most comfortable place for them to escape the hunt. They are in a very unfortunate position and don’t have the freedom to go outside for air or to a restaurant for a

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