
The Importance Of Vaccine Policy

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If the bill had been passed, it would have provided residents sustained transparency, guaranteed parents the right to access vaccine reports that would keep them well informed, and assist them in making safe and appropriate decisions for their child (Texas H.B. 2249, 2017). On the other hand, as parents are opting out of their child receiving immunizations, conflicting values may arise. As vaccine exemption rates are rising, vaccine coverage levels are beginning to decline, putting the community in a predicament. When a high number of people within a population are immunized to a disease, it lessens the likelihood of the spread of disease also referred as herd immunity (Warren, 2017). Herd immunity threshold must be met in order to …show more content…

2249, 2017).
Although the goal of the bill was to encourage parents to get their children vaccinated and reduce the negative effects from not being vaccinated, the bill’s proponents aimed to prove a correlation between higher exemptions rates and an increase in disease outbreaks.
Policy Impact

The impact of the propositioned legislation in relation to quality, access, fairness, cost, administrative and political feasibility, highlights the risks and benefits of the outcome. Despite the involvement of political influences in proposing the stated bill, the desired outcome of the bill was not accomplished. If the policy had passed, it would benefit some parents and stakeholders by giving them access to school data regarding immunization and exemption rates (Texas H.B. 2249, 2017). Therefore, parents would be able to make a decision of where to send their children to pursue education. Conversely, even though information would be de-identified, it would create tension and disagreement between parents and children with opposing views.
The decision to support a policy to pass or not can create debate and competition, affecting ethical values such as “principles of beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice, and utilitarianism”, since it might challenge personal beliefs (Hendrix et al., 2016, p. 275). This policy creates ethical conflict and moral concern among stakeholders, especially parents, school officials, and the public, regarding the

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