
The Importance Of Vaccines

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Why vaccinate
Take a look at the world around you. Whether you are in America or a third world country you are surrounded by some sort of disease. Preventable or not, the cure for many diseases is through vaccinations early on in childhood. Beginning at birth, parents are encouraged to immunize their children to prevent dangerous diseases they may come in to contact with. The new mandated vaccine law, SB277, which “removes all exemptions to vaccinate requirements for school entry” (California, 2015). Parents are outraged that they no longer have the choice as to whether or not they can vaccinate their children. Vaccinations are immediately beneficial to each person’s immunity and those around you. Do you remember the epidemic just recently …show more content…

By the time a child reaches age four or five and is ready to start kindergarten they should be up to date on their immunizations that include Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Pertussis or DTap, Polio, Hepatitis B, Measles, Mumps, and Rubella or MMR and the Varicella or chickenpox vaccine (Shots, n.d.). There are some parents in the United States that have taken a completely different approach when it comes to the health of their child. These same parents are the ones that are outraged that the state of California has now mandated all kindergarten aged children to be up to date on their …show more content…

2016). His success with the smallpox vaccine has saved countless lives, and in 1980 smallpox was eradicated due to his findings. Many scientists, including Louis Pasteur, have worked tirelessly to find vaccines for rabies, polio, MMR, DTap, and more to help the human race. With new strains of diseases, and the herd immunity not vaccinating has increased the chance of these diseases becoming more popular and increasing the chance of death. A herd immunity is critical for the community because it is unlikely that a contagious disease will occur if a majority of people are not

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