
The Importance Of Women In College Education

Decent Essays

In the us women with some college education have more opportunities for higher paying jobs and this has affected society by making women more independent. Having an education does not mean a job is in the near future. Having an education is a way to establish self-esteem, better one’s self as well as gain knowledge. Women’s colleges and universities persist around the world, even as the vast majority of tertiary institutions are open to men and women. In nearly every nation, women can attend even the most elite formerly all-male universities, and in several nations women are many of all college students. Questions therefore arise about the continued need for a single-sex sector in the 21st century (Renn , 2012)
Education is considered as the critical software for development as it shapes the destiny for every society. Currently the initiative is driven by the Millennium Development Goals and the goals of Education for All. The MDG’s with direct reference to women education are Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education and Goal 3: Promote gender equality and empower women. This means that everybody in the society should be given a chance to attend school, women included (Anne Syomwene , 2015)
Firstly, women in society are all invited to obtain a higher education. The issue is not that women not being allowed to obtain an education the problem is that not enough women are aware that college is a stepping stone in life. Not enough women come out of high school necessarily

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