
The Importance Of Youth Sports

Decent Essays

Youth sports have become a cornerstone of today’s American society. Most children have or will participate in some sort of organized sport whether it be through a local organization or through a national organization like the YMCA. The question being posed today is if these organizations should award every child with a trophy or medal for their participation, or if they should reserve these awards for those who won the most. If you praise and award a child for just showing up then it will hurt them later in life. There are two kinds of youth sports parents. There are the parents who adimitly say that it’s not about winning or losing but about having fun. Then there are the parents who only care if their son is on the winning team, and the idea of it’s just a game is for losers (Weller 1).
The parents who say it’s just about having fun, and think that everyone deserves a trophy are potentially hurting their kids development. new studies from The Ohio State University and Utrecht University in the Netherlands advises against participation awards. “They suggest that parents often dole out inflated praise to the children most likely to be hurt by it. "If you tell a child with low self-esteem that they did incredibly well, they may think they always need to do incredibly well," said Eddie Brummelman, lead author of the study. This culture of always praising children, especially in youth sports, is hurting the child’s development. They will begin to avoid taking on

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