
Interpersonal Communication In Business Essay

Best Essays

The Impact of Interpersonal Communication for Startup Business in TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITY
English for Academic Purpose
Naimy Zam Zam / Corporate Communication / 13.013
This research proposal contains the analysis about interpersonal communication in startup business

The Impact of Interpersonal Communication in Startup Businesses


These days, there are so many startup businesses in the world. But only few of them can survive for long time. What makes them survive? In business, the factors that make the businesses survive are not only the capital, the organizational structure or else. Good interpersonal …show more content…

If you do not have the ability to have interpersonal skills then you will struggle to express any feelings or emotions with people as well as empathize with various situations.
If you are working in an environment where you are required to interact with colleagues and customers on a daily basis, then you need to have good interpersonal skills. This is especially important with customers because you have to show them that you have a friendly nature and can understand their frustrations if they're experiencing a problem or making a request. It is also a good skill to have when you are speaking with your colleagues because if you come across as cold and uninterested then you may receive negative feedback.

Research’s Contribution

Communication skill is required in order to make the communication runs smoothly. Unfortunately, not everyone has communication skills. Many people who communicate only rely on their daily communication style. They consider ways of communication that they use is correct. Sadly, if we observe the process of the communication, there are still a lot of mistakes in communicating. This research is expected to be useful to students of TANRI ABENG UNIVERSITY that own startup business as a guidance to: build harmony relationship with customers, investors or venture capitalists, and among partners.

Research Methodology

A. Type of Study
In order to prove this research, researcher will use exploratory method accompanied

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