
The Importance of Play-Based Activities in Children's Learning

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I remember how I felt on the first day when I entered my placement. It was not the first time I had associate with young children but somehow it felt different. I always thought children were the easiest beings to communicate and that I can easily understand them just by looking at how they act. Unfortunately, I had so many things I did not know about them and I was perplexed just by handling one crying child. This booklet is created for early year’s practitioners that are just starting and it is aimed to provide practitioners about children, early year’s documents and play. As an early years’ practitioner, there is much information that is useful to know. For example, the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework is …show more content…

They are involved in the Early Years by being responsible for children’s teaching and learning, giving supports to the professionals who work with children, helping disadvantaged children and make certain that local services support and protect children (OGL, 2014). On the other hand, the Department for Health is a government body that are responsible for health and social care matters in UK. This department is involved in the Early Years by giving families the support and help they needed to improve the children’s life. For example, the department had created a Healthy Child Programme that are available to all families and some of the aims are making sure that a child is prepared for school, encouraging care that keeps children safe and healthy and recognize and help children with problems (OGL, 2014).

One might consider that play is just something people do for fun, but the truth is, play can foster a child’s development. There is variety types of play and children can be engaged in more than one type of play in a time (NCCA, 2014). The common types of play are heuristic play, ludic play (Hutt, 1979), symbolic play, epistemic play (Hutt, 1979), role play, structured play, imaginative play, manipulative play and rough and tumble play. To take the case of symbolic play, this play is a type of play where children take one thing as another, relying on a mental picture and reconstructing it in the mind (Moyles, 2012). Symbolic play plays

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