
The Importance of Sex Education Essay

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When are children first exposed to sex? It is hard to control what a child is exposed to with the growing trend of sexual imagery in advertising, television, movies, and in the general public. An article, Children Learn Best by Observing Behavior of Adults, written by Jodie Michalak states “While children will always have their own personality and emotions, they are constantly influenced by their environment” (2013). What and how children learn is a very significant part of how healthy our society will be in the future. School has been an integral part of a child’s progression into adulthood since the 17th century. Schools carefully build the curriculum that is proper for a child’s age group. The educational system adapts to societal …show more content…

Parents’ Sex Talk with Kids: Too Little, Too Late, authored by Alice Park, states “Parental talks about sex and sexuality need to occur much earlier than they do, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that parents have only one shot at getting it right… experts also say that parents should discuss certain issues with their children at age-appropriate times, and that the discussion should evolve as children mature” (2008). When a child is curious about anything they will investigate on their own, usually the investigation leads to questioning peers and other people their age. When a child learns about sex through other children or adolescents they will, most likely, not be getting all the facts and it may lead to personal investigation through physical exploration. This can lead to children having sex too early. Having sexual education in schools can ensure that children and adolescents will be getting educated properly.
When a child is in sex education they can gain knowledge and techniques to properly ask their parents the personal questions they may have if they don’t feel comfortable asking the teacher. When a child has intelligence on their side they have confidence to voice themselves. Children may want to talk to their parents but not know how to start the conversation or what they want to ask. An article by Tim Weldon states, “Sometimes a young person might have a question that they are

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