
The Incompatibility Of Slavery And Christianity

Better Essays

Ali Montgomery
Barry Devine
ENG 213
27 October 2015

The Incompatibility of Slavery and Christianity

In the 19th century, the United States federal government made it their responsibility for apprehending fugitive slaves in the North, and sending them back to the South through the Fugitive Slave Act. This extended the practice of slavery and its enforcement beyond the South by strengthening the rights of slave owners and threatening the rights of already free African Americans. The Fugitive Slave Act was used to prosecute slaves for leaving their masters with intentions to begin a new life.
American citizens centered society on slavery and Christian religion during the 1850s. However, these individuals failed to recognize at the time is that these two things evidently contradict one another. Christian morals and practice teaches individuals that one should not engage in action that is cruel and injustice to another. In Uncle Tom’s Cabin, by Harriet Beecher Stowe, and the excerpts by Frederick Douglass both outline the hypocritical relationship between slavery and the moral code of Christianity to a full extent.
Harriet Beecher Stowe goes to great lengths to illustrate the fact that the practice of slavery and Christianity contradict each other to a in her novel, Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Harriet Beecher Stowe believes that no Christian should be able to tolerate the torturous acts held within slavery, let alone practice it him/herself.. Not only

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