
The Incredible Pairs : Harry Potter And Ron Weasley

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The Incredible Pairs: Harry Potter & Ron Weasley

One of the most famous pairs around the world are Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. They’re well known because of their fantastic magic. Harry Potter was born on July 31, 1980. Ron Weasley was born on March 1, 1980. According to Rowling “The Potter family is a very old one, but it was never until the birth of Harry James Potter at the very forefront of wizarding history, contenting itself with a solid and comfortable existence in the backwaters” (Rowling). “The Weasley family is considered one of the prominent wizarding families, although their lack of money and their sympathy for non-pure-blood wizards and even Muggles makes people like the Malfoys look down on them” Ron describing his family (Bunker). Although Harry Potter story and his magic doesn’t fit the real world, the story influences a lot of publics throughout the values that Harry and Ron spread. Both Harry Potter and Ron Weasley went to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry together to become wizards. “Happiness can be found even at the darkest of times, if only one remembers to turn on the light”- Albus Dumbledore (Tirthani). In addition, Harry wanted to know more about his dad because he wasn’t clear if his dad was alive or not. Ron wanted to help out his best friend. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry is the Scottish wizarding school, located in the Highlands of Scotland. The castle is located in the mountains near a loch. The precise location of

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