
The Influence Of African-American Stereotypes In Cartoons

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In today's world, there seems to be a great deal of "party poopers" who ruin the fun for everybody by denouncing entertainment they perceive as racist, unacceptable, offensive, and degrading. No matter who they could be (politicians, grassroots organizations, civilians), these people have been deemed the "PC police". Well, whoever they are, the protests they have made towards entertainment have caused some headaches for those who simply see it as entertainment and nothing else. While some networks and studios simply ignore the pleas of the "PC police", others have made controversial moves to remove the offending material, such as Warner Bros. shelving away the Dukes Of Hazzard due to the Confederate flag's prominence in the show's iconic Dodge …show more content…

Of particular note are the Censored 11, 11 Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies that prominently feature African-American stereotypes. When United Artists gained rights to the pre-1948 Warner Bros. library, these particular cartoons were immediately banned in 1968. Cartoons from other studios have also been targeted, such as the Tom and Jerry cartoons that featured numerous blackface gags as well as the character Mammy Two-Shoes, Popeye The Sailor cartoons from World War II that feature our hero fighting the Japanese (as well as dropping some racial slurs), and Disney's 1946 feature "Song Of The South", which was met with protest before its …show more content…

They were, however, required to produce propaganda cartoons that belittled Germans and Japanese in order to boost morale. Aside from that, no other show defies political correctness more than South Park, the profane brainchild of Trey Parker and Matt Stone. While some episodes such as "It Hits The Fan" faced minor outrage, other episodes, however, triggered death threats towards the show's creators, most notably "201". What made this episode anger the "PC police" was the simple portrayal of Mohammed, which can be seen as sacreligious even in flattering interpretations. As a result of potential death threats, Comedy Central has decided to censor the ending scenes, whether or not they referenced the prophet. In conclusion, those who create such offending material must be careful in the context of its usage. It's one thing to use stereotypes in order to bring awareness to a social issue, but it's wrong and unnecessary to use this material JUST to gain publicity. At the same time, it's also wrong to censor content because it could be seen as offensive, especially content produced years ago during a different

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