These two islands in the Greater Antilles of the Caribbean have architecture that is heavily influenced by the Colonial Spain cultures. Many of the structures found throughout these two countries are now still intact and visited by tourists daily. In the Caribbean, there are structures that date back to the early 1500s. In the Dominican Republic, the primitive people of the Arawakan and Taino used mahogany and guano (dried palm tree leaf) to construct houses, furniture, artwork, etc. They also utilize mud to give their homes a natural look. In the capital of the Dominican Republic, Santo Domingo, the Zona Colonial has many architectures that are distinguished by the ornate designs and baroque styles. There are still many older structures
Honduras and The Dominican Republic are said to be almost the same culture because of similarities in their cultures. Although many may think they are the same because they are both spanish speaking countries but they are actually wrong. They are so far from each other but they do have similarities like in there holidays, clothing and even in their foods. Although they have their similarities they are own unique in their own way of doing things. This differences make people proud of their culture because it's means they are different from others. They do have differences in like the way they dress, the way they celebrate and the way they prepare their food. This things make people proud of their country and the cultures it's given them. Keeping this in mind when you read the rest of the essay you will see the similarities and the differences. They are different in their own ways.
Two other aspects of the Spanish and Puerto Rican culture are their governments and food. Spain and Puerto Rico have two different types of government. Spain’s government has both a parliamentary government and constitutional monarchy (Pena, 2012). Puerto Rica happens to be a commonwealth island of the United States (Puerto Rico, 2012). The influence on food found within Spain and Puerto Rico comes from many different backgrounds. Spain’s food background is influenced by the Roman, Greek, Celtic, Jewish, and Muslim backgrounds (Pena, 2012). Puerto Rican food comes from the influences of the Taino Indian, Spanish, African, and U.S. American peoples. Not only can similarities be found with the family unit, religion, and traditions. They are also found within the government and food within the countries.
Within the unique culture of the Dominican Republic, the complex heritage of Arawak, Spanish, African, and French lore, is unique to the Dominican Republic compared to other Caribbean islands. Moreover, the country maintains close ties with the United States. Currently, the people of the Dominican Republic are striving to build a democracy against the unscrupulous and authoritarian politically privileged leadership. A large element that shapes Dominican national identity is its Spanish heritage. Currently in this country, light skin color, which is marked to reflect European ancestry, is valued, while dark skin tones indicate West African slave ancestry. The Roman Catholic cathedrals still are in existence and the majority of the population
When arriving to the Dominican Republic it was as if a whole new world opened up to me. Puerto Plata was full of different changes; the streets were full of wandering animals, there wasn’t as many cars as there is back home, and mopeds were racing with several people on them at a time. The differences that I experienced were nothing that I have seen before. America is in constant expansion of technology while the Dominican is further set back. When you travel to different parts of the world you begin to see how people live their lives differently. The culture along with the aspects of living are completely different from what we are used to seeing in our everyday lives.
A large pile of ancient stone is no different than a giant stack of old stone, right? To look closely into an argument, sometimes a zoomed-out perspective is needed. In this case, its important to look at every detail to find out if the construction of pyramids and cathedrals were similar or different. On one hand, there are the ancient Egyptian pyramids, construced under the authority of the pharoahs through the use of many laboring workers. On the other, there are gothic cathedrals, built over a long period of time, employing several construction methods. Through the analysis of historical accounts and evidence, it is apparent that the similarities between the Great Pyramids and gothic cathedrals greatly endorse the use of techonological systems as fuel for societies that are constantly improving.
There are two sides to every story. For the Dominican Republic, they are two very contrasting stories. One being the serene, white beaches where a person’s every need can be waited upon. The other side is where a person’s most basic needs cannot even be met. A story where a child has to worry about if they will even eat tonight. Now, the majority of people would avoid the latter story. Not my mom, she dives right into the middle of it.
The Maya has a rich culture, tradition and life styles such as lifeways through costumes, rituals, diet, handicrafts, language, housing, or other features that would attract tourist. It is estimated that between 35 and 40 percent of tourism today is represented by cultural tourism or heritage tourism. However, in some places such as Roaten Island on Honduras and would use that tourism as an advantage and would create fake Maya artifacts and invent an idealized Maya past for the island.
By the 6th century a Germanic tribe called the Visigoths, converts to Arian Christianity, had established themselves as the aristocratic elite. The Christians built many monumental basilica-plan churches. The Santa Maria de Quintanilla de las Vinas, Burgos, Spain and San Juan de Banos de Cerrato are two such churches that still remain today. In the beginning of the 8th century Islamic Muslims conquered Spain and ended Visigothic rule. They constructed militaristic and religious architecture including castles, watchtowers, rock castes, the Great Mosque, and the Red Palace. The remaining Christians adopted some of the Islamic styles and soon built upon a new style that ended up
Not every student gets the opportunity to travel abroad while in high school, but those who do will learn a lot about the world around them. Being able to travel to Costa Rica with my peers made me wonder about the Costa Rican culture. The Spanish Colonization impacted the Costa Rican culture in many ways. The impact is seen in the areas of food, clothing, music, government, lifestyle and the environment around them. Their way of life changed after this colonization happened.
The history of Andalucía ranges from shifts in landownership over a span of many years. Located in the southwestern part of Spain, Andalucía is comprises of the Iberian Peninsula. Land was being conquered and re-conquered over the years. With the change in control of the land, palaces were being constructed for the royalty. The Alhambra was constructed during the time of the Nasrid dynasty. Located in what is now Granada, the Alhambra stretches across one full mile. It is one of the most primary examples of Islamic architecture in the world, forming a fortress and a palace at the same time.
When the northern Maya were finally integrated into the Toltec society by A.D. 1200, the Maya dynasty finally came to a close, although some smaller cities continued to thrive until the Spanish Conquest in the early sixteenth century (Ruddell).
According to moon travel guides, Spanish colonialists influenced Dominican Republic men with a “strong male oriented culture.” The travel guide discussed that Dominican man are womanizers and have a macho attitude. Some communicate distance in the Dominican Republic are gestures, bold comments and leering towards woman. Another one is hissing noise from man when a woman pass by. The travel guide explained how Dominican man mainly focused on improving their sexual prowess and woman mainly focuses on their appearances. Moreover Dominican woman focus on the family and the house. Dominican man represents the figure of authority and the head of the household.
Mayan culture existed a thousand years ago, in what is now part of Central America. Its ruins were almost entirely abandoned by 600 A.D, and were not rediscovered until the early 1500’s, by Spanish settlers. Mayan architecture astounded the early conquistadors, and continues to be of great interest to modern archeologists as well. These scientists have labeled a certain period of Mayan architectural history as the “Classic” period.
Pantheon located in Rome, Italy is the most well conserved architectural structure of the Roman period. Pantheon, initially a roman sanctuary worked to committed to every one of the divine beings, however in 609AD., it was transformed into a congregation and stays as it. Initially worked by Agrippa around 27BC under Augustus' lead however it was caught fire during 80D, under Emperor Domitian's care then build it again, yet was struck by lightning and burned down again in 110AD. The present Pantheon was worked in 120AD and finished by Emperor Hadrian alongside Apollodorus of Damascus. (Hannah and Magli 2011)
The Portuguese culture, which I had already grown up with in the U.S., was a main part of the trip in and of itself. The magnificent architecture that I saw there, even though it was decaying with time, was very symbolic of the Portuguese heritage. For example, on many red clay terracotta roof tops there resided cupolas, and on those cupolas was the famed Gallo do Barcelos (English equivalent – Rooster of Barcelos), which