
The Influence Of Australia's Economy On China

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Australia relies heavily on China in the way of investment and exports. In 2014 China bought 34% of Australian exports which made China the number one buyer of our exports here in Australia. The products that China buy include agricultural produce, Australian mining products such as iron ore and coal/energy products. Australia also relies on China in the form of foreign investment. The main interest that China has is infrastructure projects. Australia has been the second largest receiver of Chinese investment globally with the United States of America taking the number one spot. Finally Australia relies on China in the form of tourism. Tourism is great for Australia because as the more tourists come to visit the more money they spend in our shops and hotels. This helps the overall economy of Australia. In 2015 China was the second highest ranked country of tourists coming to Australia. …show more content…

This means that without Australia buying these goods and services there would be a big hit on their economy. China also relies on Australia in the form of international students. In 2015 26% of Chinese international students were enrolled at Australian educational institutions, this also included schools. China is also the worlds biggest exporter of textiles and clothing. In 2016 Australia imported 59.89% of its clothing from China. This means that Australia is purchasing a significant amount of China’s

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