What is childhood obesity? Childhood obesity can be described as the excessive accumulation of fat that might impair the health of a child. This is a medical condition that has a huge impact on children and teenagers. Every individual has a body shape that is just right for his or her changes. It is important for children to be taught that excessive eating is bad for their health and should be supervised. (Lachal, 2013)
Pocock stated that parents have various understandings of the term “healthy lifestyle” and their perceptions are highly influenced. (Pocock et al.) Furthermore, we cannot ignore the barriers which parent face to achieve a healthy behavioral lifestyle. There are many barriers which include financial issues, lack
Despite recent declines in the prevalence among preschool-aged children, obesity among children is still too high. For children and adolescents aged 2-19 years, the prevalence of obesity has remained fairly stable at about 17% and affects about 12.7 million children and adolescents for the past decade (CDC). Childhood obesity does not only affect children, but also has many long term health effects on our children as they get older, including, an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in both childhood and adulthood. (2). Researchers estimate that if obesity trends continue, obesity related medical costs, alone, could rise by $43 to $66 billion each year in the United States by 2030. (1) A major factor in childhood obesity is the inadequate amount of physical activity children are getting, as well as the school lunches that are being provided to the kids. The accessibility of competitive foods which includes things like vending machines, student stores and items a la carte in schools has been linked with negative dietary behaviors, including higher saturated fat intake, higher sweetened beverage intake, and less fruit and vegetable intake,(3) thus resulting in obesity among our children and adolescents. Research suggests that by making sure children are getting healthy school meals and getting enough physical activity in their day it will decrease their chances of having childhood obesity (3). The purpose of this review was to determine the role, school lunches and physical
What does childhood obesity means? Obesity can be defined as a condition in which the body carries abnormal or unhealthy amounts of fat tissue, leading the individual to weigh in excess or 20 percent more than his or her ideal weight (Health & Illness).Obesity in America is an ever-growing problem and has boosted America to the number one spot in terms of obese population. It also stands as the most prevalent medical issue in American Children. In the past thirty years, obesity has affected many different age groups of kids. Preschool group, two to five years in age, and the youths between the ages of twelve and nineteen the obesity rate has more than doubled (Childhood Obesity Statistics and Facts 2v007). Childhood obesity has more than tripled in kid’s ages six to eleven years old. Children can become obese due to many different things like parents or schools. Although obesity may linger for a lifetime, there are many ways to overcome childhood obesity and not have to deal with the weight issue. Childhood obesity causes many problems and concerns in many American families, but families need to work together to overcome obesity. One out of three children in the United States falls into the overweight or obese category (Ding). Children face many different problems and issues at a young age because of obesity. Children obesity causes type 2 diabetes, fatty liver because of excessive weight issues, social problems, depression, anxiety, and eating disorders (Ludwig). Childhood
There have been studies conducted to find out what has caused or what the leading factors to obesity are. Researchers are currently still doing research to find out what causes or what may be the lead to obesity. Childhood obesity is a serious medical condition which considers a child to be obese if their Body Mass Index (BMI) is at or above the 95th percentile for children and teens of the same age and sex. (Rendall., Weden, Lau, Brownell, Nazarov & Fernandes, 2014). Obesity is on a rise in the Unites States and all over the world and can lead or result to other health complications later in life. The crucial breakdown serves as an implication of outlining childhood obesity, collaborating problems of the disease and resolutions, as well as applying critical thinking to give a complete approach to deliver information on childhood obesity. This will be done through citation of scholarly articles, samples and other modes of supporting details.
Childhood obesity is considered to be a serious issue among our youth. Obesity can cause many types of physical problems, which most are aware of, but it can also cause some undesirable internal feelings within children and adolescents who suffer from it. Self-esteem, or self-worth, is important as it helps develop personality and is a major ingredient to our mental health status (Wang, F. and Veugelers, P. J., 2008). Some have said obesity may even have a negative effect on cognitive development, as well. There have been studies performed to research the effects of obesity on children and adolescents, which I am going to review.
“Childhood obesity has reached epidemic proportions in the United States. As a result, children are at increased risk in myriad preventable acute and chronic medical problems- many of which are associated with increased morbidity and mortality.” (Cause and Effect in Childhood Obesity: Solutions for a National Epidemic). The issue of childhood obesity is a huge controversial problem that revolves around America. Over the last decade, children have been overweight for their height and age. It is abnormal to have a child to be gaining weight after a month and month. Many years ago, this issue was not as big as it is today. Since the year of the 1970’s, childhood obesity has multiplied by two between the ages two and five years old. Not only
Parents are the first influence to impact a child’s life and their eating habits. Parents who surround their children with foods like broccoli and apples at a young age will continue to enjoy the same healthy food into their adult years. The impact a parent can make is long lasting but should be done in a way to make the child feel as though it is their own choice. “Children may be allowed to choose what they eat, but adults should ensure that every option available to them is a healthy one.” (Fong). This system will allow parents to be happy with what their child is eating while the child gets a sense of independence in their eating habits. Not only can parents influence children to make healthy eating habits, but they can also help their child to become all around healthy people.
Childhood obesity can have complications on a child's physical social and emotional well-being and development Obesity during childhood has both instant and long-term health effects Immediate effects of childhood obesity is the increased risk of impaired glucose tolerance insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes Type 2 diabetes is a chronic health condition that affects the way a child's body uses sugar (glucose) Obesity along with a sedentary lifestyle increase a child's risk of type 2 diabetes (Mayo Clinic) Children who are obese also have a higher risk of joint and bone discomfort sleep apnea which is a potentially serious disorder where a child's breathing repeatedly stops and starts when they are sleeping or asthma as well as some psychosocial
Childhood overweight is viewed as the most widely recognized pervasive wholesome issue of US kids and young people, and a standout amongst the most well-known issues seen by pediatricians. Pediatricians deal with the physical, mental, and passionate prosperity of their patients, in each phase of improvement - healthy or in sickness. Childhood obesity expands the danger of numerous intense and interminable therapeutic issues and also mental issues, all of which can hold on into adulthood and unfavorably influence personal satisfaction. Corpulent children can experience the ill effects of orthopedic confusions, including anomalous bone development, degenerative sickness, and agony. Wellbeing issues identified with obesity are additionally
According to, childhood obesity is a condition in which a child is significantly overweight for his or her age and height (Mayo).
Childhood Obesity in America is a growing disease that has become an epidemic that has lasting psychological effects because of advertisement of fast food, lack of physical activities, and parental control has made food become a major health issue in many young teenagers lives’ today. Obesity in children is an ongoing concern which many people have to deal with. Obesity is the condition of being overweight. It affects about 12.7 million children and adolescents (“Ebbeling”). Your weight is the result of many things working together-the choices you make, your environment, your metabolism, and your genes.
According to The State of Obesity (Trust for America’s Health, 2014), in the United States today, 31.8% of children are obese or overweight, 16.9% of that number are obese. Nurses are at the forefront of promoting health, so what can they do to eradicate this prevalent disease? Research by Ogden, Carroll, Kit, & Flegal (as cited in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2014) states that from 1980 to 2012, the percentage of overweight or obese children more than doubled, totaling to greater than one third of all children and adolescents as overweight or obese. Childhood obesity is an epidemic that is sweeping the nation and becoming a severe problem. Besides the obvious risks of cardiovascular disease, bone and joint issues, low
Initially, parents should direct their focus towards promoting a healthy lifestyle for their child. Parents should start by explaining to their child that not all healthy meals are revolting and nauseating. However, they can be appetizing and nutritious at the same time. To start this process, the parent will need to balance the calories that the child will consume with the calories the child will burn
Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and quadrupled in adolescents in the past 30 years (CDC). It is estimated that, on our current track, in about 50 years 1 out of 2 Americans will develop diabetes. These are startling facts, and it gets even weirder when you look into the causes for this sudden change. Since the 1980s, the amount of added sugar in our diets has increased exponentially. In fact, these days, around 90% of the food products in our grocery stores contain added sugar. Why? This is partially due to the diet/low-fat craze that started in the 1980s. Food companies cut down the amount of fat in their products, but
In addition to the physical harm, obesity and negative psychological impact on children. This is a high risk factors of childhood obesity, which can lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Obese children always lower than that of healthy children intelligence and operators. Their activities, learning and communication ability is very low, and their depression and low self-esteem can make the children 's sensitivity to interpersonal relationships, introverted personality and social adaptability, affect a child 's mental health. By 2015, 2.3 billion adults are overweight and 700 million obese adults. Obesity among children, meanwhile, the rapid growth of the global nearly one out of 10 teens are overweight, 155 million, about a quarter of obesity. North America, Europe, and the western Pacific region is the worst affected areas in the world, overweight (obesity), increased from 20% to 20%, and the highest in the world of childhood obesity in the United States. Overweight or obesity is one of the three. Obesity has become a global epidemic of children 's growth. Childhood obesity is not just a question of health and education, but it is also to a large extent influence the society. Now about 25% of young people are too fat to join the army. Overweight or obesity has become a number can 't recruit one of the reasons for young people.
Childhood obesity is a major medical disease in united states that affects children and adolescents. That happens when they over the normal weight for their ages and height. It will affect them in many ways. When a child weighs 20% or more of what the normal weight is as a specific age they are consider as obese. Obesity is most likely happens when both of the parents are working full time and don't have the time to cook proper healthy meal for their child. Its sad now a days to see a child with age seven weighs one hundred or more pounds. Who's to blame the parents, they rather chasing money than stay home to cook healthy meal for their child and spend some times with them. On this paper I'm going to tell you what's causes obesity, what effect it does in a child life and what parents can do to keep their child from becomes obese.