
The Influence Of Civil Disobedience

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A fair and equal law is what everyone desires. Having to fight for equality is not fair. Civil disobedience was an action which an individual does not follow a certain law or laws. Most historians used civil disobedience back then to fight against the strict government. It is important for people to take a stand on issues of justice in society. People should stand up for what is wrong so it could bring equality, change, and peace. Standing up for what one believes in can bring equality to all. In Mohandas Gandhi’s speech, “On Civil Disobedience” it states, “... we said to the government that we would never bow to its outrageous laws.” Mohandas Gandhi is saying that South Africa’s laws are too strict. The people will only ‘bow” or obey the laws if it is fair and equal. Gandhi stood up for the people in South Africa trying to bring equality. …show more content…

In Susan B. Anthony’s speech, “On Women’s Right to Vote” it states, “... oligarchy of sex, which makes fathers, brothers, husbands, and sons the oligarchs over the mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters. -which ordains all men sovereigns, all women subjects.” Susan is saying that Men are seen over women. Before the 19th Amendment, men had more rights than women. Susan wanted to bring a change in rights, for all women. Susan stood up for women that could not vote.
People want peace but, sometimes people have to fight for peace. In Chief Joseph’s speech, “On Surrender At Bear Paw Mountain, 1877” it states, “... my heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever.” Chief Joseph is saying he is sick and sad of all of the deaths around. Chief Joseph is tired and does not want to fight anymore. Fighting for peace can end with peace all around or deaths all around. Chief Joseph still stood up for his land and

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