
Media And Eating Disorders Essay

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According to the EDC (Eating Disorders Coalition) Approximately 11 million Americans suffer from and eating disorder.” The amount of people diagnosed with an eating disorder has reached an all time high. “Eating disorders do not discriminate: men and women, all economic classes, young and old are affected.” Some say that it has gotten worse because of the media’s new unreachable image of beauty. I believe that the media does play some part, but they are not the only ones to blame. We define our sense of worth by how we see ourselves and how others do as well. The people around us have a great effect on our attitude. A kid does not think that they are fat or ugly until they reach the age where someone has told that they are. They do not start …show more content…

Right now there are many different types of eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia, binge-eating, purging, and night eating disorders. Although these illnesses have just come into the light they have been around for a long time. For example, in the documentary “Dying to be Thin” they talk about how, in the 14th century Saint Katharine of Sienna had anorexia and starved to death at the age of 33, her refusal of food was motivated by her faith. Also in the 19th century women starved themselves to concur their body and feel more spiritual. Nowadays, 3 out of every 100 women will develop an eating disorder. Although the motivation is different the determination to reach their goal is the …show more content…

Not to embarrass or reticule them but, to help them get the help they need and deserve. Eating Disorders can go years without being detected even by the person suffering from one. I bet you know at least one person that has suffered from an eating disorder or that is suffering from an eating disorder you just have not realized it yet. Anorexic are in great need of help since according to Mirror Mirror Eating Disoders “…up to 20 % of people with serious eating disorders die. With treatment, 2-3% of people with anorexia die, demonstrating just how effective professional treatment can be. Statistics show that mortality rates from anorexia are the highest of any psychological disorder.” However, “[a]norexia statistics show that with treatment only 60% make a full recovery in which they live a life free from any eating disorder related thoughts or behaviors. About 20% make partial recovery… the final 20% stay dangerously underweight.” Getting an anorexic the help they desperately need can increase their chances of survival by a lot. We have discussed anorexia throughout history, what goes through the mind of an anorexic, and the importance of the awareness of eating disorders. Although the motivation to stop themselves from eating throughout history is different the determination to reach their goal is the same. Anorexia nervosa is a psychiatric condition

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