Any health promotion initiative that addresses and acknowledges the influence of a person’s environment will have an increased chance of success. If a local council improves the lighting and security of the local bicycle track, it will allow safety for the public and provide alternative routes to other locations of the area. It will increase the chance of the track being used by people either in the early hours of the morning or later in the evening. Eventually, this action will be able to increase level of availability and will ultimately encourage members of the community to use the track and therefore improve their physical tness. This is how a community can assume some responsibility for promoting health.
At the community/organisational level of health promotion is based on the Ottawa charter action area of ‘strengthen community action’ it increases access to health information, community involvement in health initiatives whilst empowering the community to make their own choices. (, 2016) An example of this can be displayed through the St George Illawarra Dragons community
WHO’s definition of a ‘setting’ in the context of Health Promotion is ‘the place or social context in which people engage in daily activities in which environmental, organisational and personal factors interact to affect health and wellbeing’ (WHO, 1998). The core concept of the approach is dictated in the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, 1986. It involves initiating and maintaining a ‘supportive environment for health’ (WHO, 1986) and supports broader efforts of health promotion interventions, incorporating multiple determinants of health at a time. The SBA to HP values public participation, supportive social networks, empowerment, community, and health awareness. This approach aims to achieve positive health outcomes by embedding a health promoting concept into the organisational structure of a central setting such as a school, workplace or prison. It acknowledges a key connection between environment and wellbeing and works to achieve a more sustainable and long-term
Equality in everything, including health issues, has to be the main feature of the modern world. National health programs of the US operate to ensure adequate and timely treatment of all citizens. Nevertheless, health indicators of some racial and ethnic groups are significantly worse than of the white Americans. It applies to the Hispanic Americans and significantly affects their lives. The current health status of this minority is far from satisfactory and needs improvements through existing programs and the development of new approaches to address
One health promotion idea that the nurse practitioner would discuss with a middle adolescent patient would be the need to avoid using tobacco products and the negative effects of using tobacco. An important fact to remember is that adolescent smokers are more likely than nonsmoking peers to use marijuana and hard drugs, sell drugs, have multiple drug problems, drop out of school, and experience early pregnancy and parenthood, so the importance of avoiding tobacco will be of high significance when performing education with an adolescent patient ( Burns, Dunn, Brady, Starr, & Blosser, 2013). At every visit, the nurse practitioner should asses the patient's smoking patterns with direct questions and ask if they or any of their friends smoke
Health Intervention for the resident of the Community Living facility. Address the following in your intervention:
The normal oral health education we get from home is neither effective nor proving to be making a much more needed result. Very often oral health initiatives are implemented as stand alone and as such miss out the benefits from other health programmes. As a consequence best intended actions are wasted and/or duplicated and at worst the wrong signals set out for public consumption. Oral health programmes should be a multifaceted approach rather than aiming at individual changes in practices and behaviour but should indeed take on board the broader aspects of determinants of health. The socioeconomic factors greatly influence general health as we know. Taking a leaf from established the principles of promoting health; this essay will seek to focus on different perspectives of oral health promotion and policy. The approach this essay will take to address the oral health will be inline with the well known risk factors associated with chronic illnesses in the wider sphere of the social environment .There are several determinants of oral health ranging from smoking, hygiene, use of alcohol, poor diet and trauma including stress. Since these aggravating
Further development on this discipline requires building new structures for health promotion, new systems for risk reduction and greater emphasis on health coverage tasks. People's ideals in their collective efficacy to carry out social change, therefore, play a key place within the policy and public health perspective to health promoting and disease prevention. The recent years have witnessed major changes in the conception of human health and illness from a disorder model, to a health version. it is simply as significant to speak of level of vitality as of degrees of impairment. the health model, therefore, focuses on health promotion as
Health promotion engages multiple partners at multiple levels in changing the programs, policies and practices that affect health. It can be challenging to document what is being done to improve health. Since multiple factors affect multiple and interrelated outcomes, it is challenging to establish what aspects of a particular initiative resulted in particular outcomes. In this context, evidence may take the form of showing the contribution of multiple environmental changes—such as new programs policies, and practices—on related population-health outcomes.
Health promotion is essential in keeping society and individuals healthy. Health promotion empowers communities and individuals for healthy living through education. The primary goal of health promotion is prevention. Nurses are key in health promotion and will be seen in diverse settings as health promotion evolves the nursing profession. There are three levels to health promotion that are utilized to optimize health.
At present, heart disease is leading cause of morbidity and mortality rates in both men and women. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (2012), cardiovascular disease is ranked as the top leading cause of death in the United States. Often times, cardiovascular disease can be prevented and managed with the correct interventions. The family nurse can offer patients information relating to health promotions, thereby decreasing the risk of cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, if the patient already has the diagnosis of heart disease then prevention of further heart damage is the goal. Community resources such as educational sessions, individual counseling and cardiac rehabilitation can offer patients information to combat the cardiovascular disease epidemic in America. In the following paper, three health promotions related to preventing cardiovascular
In question one, I identify health promotion and disease prevention in the field of heart failure (HF) as my specific research focus. The National Institute of Nursing Research (NINR) cites the need to promote innovations that empower individuals to make decisions about their health and become personally involved in disease prevention and illness management (Research, 2011). Individuals with heart failure must maintain wellness and recognize signs of cardiac decompensation in order to respond promptly to threats of acute cardiac crisis (Riegel & Dickson, 2008). In the setting of HF, self-regulation describes the performance of these constructive behaviors that help preserve health and avoid illness (Horowitz, Rein, & Leventhal, 2004). In order to address the behavioral and cognitive factors that influence heart failure self-care, I have chosen the commonsense model of self-regulation (CSM) as the guiding theoretical model for my program of research (Howard Leventhal, Diefenbach, & Leventhal, 1992).
Health promotion is the behaviour of individual or activities done with the need to improve his or her health condition. I would describe this behaviour as the desire by an individual/care support to avoid illness/injury and identify illnesses/risks early, or try to make the environment as risk free as possible. Health promotion depends on how health promotion is perceived by members of a given community. Therefore, it is difficult to provide an accurate definition of health promotion. District Nurses have defined health promotion as the approach to an individual wellness.
Health promotion aims a wide range of targets at different levels in the community. The huge benefits resulted from health promotion and disease prevention efforts make many realize that this domain of health care is worth to be invested in. The focus is shifted evermore from the medical to the preventative approach, from treating the disease to avoiding the onset of it.
Discuss the effectiveness of a range of health promotion strategies in relation to young people (6 marks)
“The major goals of health promotion are to help people of all ages stay healthy, optimize health in cases of chronic disease or disability, and create healthy environments” (Pender et al., 2015). This health promotion project is designed to identify and reduce the risk factors associated with several illnesses and disease processes. This project will focus on changing lifestyle behaviors and providing up to date education for the patient to make the best informed decision regarding her environment, health behaviors, and developing a support system with her primary care physician.