Music: An Inspiration Music is a huge part of modern day American society. Many children and young adults listen to music on a daily basis. Bono’s famous quote, “Music can change the world because it can change people,” explains music influences people and the choices they make (“Bono Quotes”). Young people, especially women, relate to a positive female vibe now that artists are more aware of hurtful terms towards women in music. Similar changes have also happened for the LGBTQ community. While these changes offer support, girl power, and much-needed positivity, many adults still worry about how modern music affects children's minds. Modern music allows youth the opportunity to be creative and positive and should be encouraged. Parents …show more content…
Hip-hop and rap, two of the most commonly homophobic genres, are now throwing support to the LGBTQ community because artists and listeners of these genres are “having a change of heart” (Gold). Part of the reason being gay or of any other sexuality was such a huge stigma issue was because of the influence of the church, especially in African American communities where rap and hip-hop are popular. The church was one of the few positive centers in these communities, and because many churches associate homosexuality with sin, its patrons had the same beliefs (Gold). Adair Lion, who began his music career with anti-gay lyrics and messages, changed his tune with his new single “Ben” (Gold). It preaches tolerance and acceptance for those in the LGBTQ community. More artists are following suit and successfully changing rap and hip-hop. This is especially important with the increased knowledge of sexuality and gender identity in society. With these changes in music, positivity and acceptance are shared among the younger …show more content…
Heavy metal bands are famous for their black clothes and dark makeup. However, most youth who listen to heavy metal bands, rap, and other groups listen to the band or artist for the look, not the lyrics (Gougis). Most new music through the decades have undergone scrutiny from older generations. In the 1950’s, Elvis caused panic in adults for the short time. He was seen as problematic and modern music today is no different and is merely a scapegoat for other problems in society (Gougis). This music helps youth express themselves in a positive
Billy Joel said, “I think music in itself is healing. It's an explosive expression of humanity. It's something we are all touched by. No matter what culture we're from, everyone loves music” (Music Quotes). Whether we realize it or not, music affects our lives greatly. The only thing for us to question is how. How does music impact your life and the lives of others? What does music do for us? People of all ages benefit emotionally, physically, and academically from music.
Joan Morgan, a self proclaimed feminist, loves the power that rap and hip hop offers. Joan, also a music writer, is exceptionally troubled by the disrespect of women in not only in the musical lyrics but also the music videos. In the June 1990 edition of Ebony Magazine, Charles Whitaker wrote an editorial addressing the problems American culture brought on by the hip hop industry. Even though, his editorial was published in the 1990’s, it is extremely clear Charles Whitaker saw the negativity brought along with “The Hip Hop and Rap Revolution.” Both authors loved the powerful energy the new hip hop movement brought along with its beginnings, dating back to the mid to late 1970’s. With that being said, the two authors, both had one recurring theme within their respective works, the evolution of hip hop and rap. In other words, both Joan Morgan and Charles Whitaker addressed the issues brought on by the change in the rap and hip hop industry over its short exists. Change is the absolute most constant thing in our world, whether it is positive or negative change that is uncertain, in both of the articles that change in hip hop and rap is demonstrated
The American society has for long struggle with the debate and issue of private gun ownership. There are the advocates proposing lenient laws to allow more gun possession while the people against it calling for stringent laws to control the situation. For many centuries, since the enactment of the Second Amendment and even during the slavery period, gun ownership remains an issue to debate. The negative effects have been the harassment of the minority and the vulnerable as well as increased crimes. On other hand, it has helped promote the security of the people and ensure there is no violation of people’s rights to own guns as required by the Second Amendment. As such, gun control and ownership remains a controversial and hot topic of discussion
This reference shows how music lays a foundation of teenage values beyond school or parental teaching. A musical artist can influence a young mind by the chosen lyrics with greater effectiveness than formal education. Music can control or enhance moods. A good mood can get better or a bad mood can be worked through with the choice of music. A bad mood can also be enhanced by lyrics about suicide or violent behavior. Teens can also use music to gain information about the adult world, to withdraw from social contact, facilitate friendships and social settings, or to help them create a personal identity. (O'Toole, 1997)
Great music can sometimes can turn just an ordinary day into something magical, spiritual even. The effects music has on the human mind, can spread further; right through our genetic code and throughout our bodies. With all the good that can come with music, negative effects are not too far behind. Music has been the center focal point for parents and politicians alike to use it as a scapegoat to help push their political and parent agenda. To help mold children and adolescents into something they were never meant to be.
The Wearer of the Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter affects the view and morales of all the main characters in the novel. The purpose is to show an “adulterer”, in this case, the letter is put on Hester. Hester may be the official wearer of the letter, but Pearl, Chillingworth, and Dimmesdale all feel the effects of the evil emblem.
For as long as mankind has walked on this earth, music has been an important part of our culture and lifestyles. Each walk of life beats to a different drum. Different cultures use music for many aspects of their lives; for religious purposes, for celebrations, for comfort, for sorrow, for relaxation, for sports, for dances, for energy, for learning, for sleeping, and for sexual experiences. Everyone uses music for something. Music connects with people and reaches them in ways that words simply cannot. Music is a representation of what feelings sound like. It expresses emotion and brings that characteristic out from within us; it tells us a story. Every generation has its’ own sound and different music styles have emerged and become
The impact music had on teenagers was significant. Teenager’s developed a new style of music called Rock ‘n’ Roll, because the lyrics reflected and embraced their lives. High school sweethearts, fast-cars, and rebellion against authority resembled what teenagers craved the most. Parents disliked the message and influence behind the lyrics of Rock ‘n’ Roll, because they believed it caused juvenile delinquency. Parents hated the sexuality of the songs, the performers,
Molefi Asante is the author of It’s Bigger than Hip-Hop: The Rise of the Post Hip-Hop Generation. In this article, Asante predicts that the post-hip-hop generation will embrace social justice issues including women’s rights, gay’s rights, and the anti-war movement. To challenge these stereotypes, Asante speaks to the personification of the African-American ghetto and the need to stop glorifying black suffering. For Asante, the post-hip-hop generation no longer expects hip-hop to mobilize disenfranchised youth. Asante states, “The post-hip-hop generation shouldn’t wait for mainstream musicians to say what needs to be said…No movement is about beats and rhythms…. it must be bigger than hip-hop.” Because hip-hop is controlled by corporations, Asante says hip-hop will never be the focus of political change. Asante argues that “old white men” have dictated hip-hop, and by extension the actions of black youth, since 1991. “Allowing white executives, not from the hip-hop culture, to control and dictate the culture is tragic because the music, and ultimately the culture, as we can see today, has not only lost its edge, but its sense of rebellion and black movement- the very principles upon which it was founded.” Asante calls for the rise of “artivism,” a new social movement that uses art to improve community police relations, failing schools and the criminal justice system. Asante encourages the post-hip-hop generation to unite with Latino/Immigration Rights and Black Civil Rights
Hip hop has clearly influenced our society in a controversial way. Although people don't like the negative influence hip hop can have on their young, it’s an industry that is growing commercially. Legally, there isn't much that can be done about an artists’ expression, but education and parental guidance will reduce the impact of hip hop’s negative
Women have decided to consume hip hop regardless of the sexism and machismo of their rap artist spouses. Historically, black women who have sex with other women haven’t been recognized in the Black community. Also, the expectations are the same in hip hop culture because men reject lesbians. An example is the murder in 2003 of Sakia Gunn after she declared her lesbian identity to a group of males. We all know that in hip hop culture men predominate and precisely masculine. Women can achieve a higher professional success than men regarding no matter their sexual orientation. In other hand, women represent different controlling images like the whore, the mammy and temptress. Homophobia in hip hop is translated into forms of oppression, discrimination and violence for gays, lesbians and transgender. “Black women rappers interpret and articulate the fears, pleasures, and promises of young black women whose voices have been relegated to the margins of public discourse.” Their voices are in constant dialogue with the public and men rappers about sexual promiscuity, emotional commitment, infidelity, the drug trade, racial politics and black cultural history. If we pay close attention to female rappers, we will notice that they address questions of sexual power, economic opportunities and the pain of racism and sexism. Women rappers has been promoted as sexually progressive, antisexist voices because of “an understanding of male rappers as uniformly sexist.” Discussions of women
Music and society have always been closely related. For years now music has been apart of people’s everyday lives all around the world. Having so many different genres out there, it makes it easy to be appealing to so many different ethnic backgrounds. However, one type of genre in particular has seemed to grab the attention of a younger generation. Rap music has undoubtedly had its utmost impact on African American youth, since many of the performers themselves are African American. An overtly masculine culture dominates rap music and creates gender stereotypes that become abundantly popular to the youthful audience. Three constant themes that are found within the rap culture are encouragement of violence, the misogynistic representation of women, an extreme hatred of homophobia. Each theme plays a detrimental role in the process of defining black masculinity as well as shaping the values, morals, and beliefs that its younger audience adopts after tuning into this “gangster lifestyle”.
Transatlantic trade slavery, facilitated by the European powers, is an era of slavery that is often discussed and is often regarded as the most impactful form of slavery in terms of the number of people it impacted and the geographical area that it covered. While the Transatlantic slavery trade is an important topic it is not the only slavery trade that existed. Ancient slavery in Rome is a topic worth acknowledging and analyzing. The article Slavery in the Ancient World by A.H.M. Jones, the article “The Bitter Chain of Slavery”: Reflections on Slavery in Ancient Rome by Keith Bradley and Frank M. Snowden, and the article The Roman Slave Supply by Walter Scheidel all ask important questions regarding slavery in Ancient Rome. The articles share similar themes and ask important questions regarding the source of Roman slaves, the costs of Roman slaves, the number of enslaved peoples in comparison to the rest of the population, the lifestyle of Roman slaves in comparison to that of freedmen, the working conditions under which enslaved peoples were placed, the existence of slavery in surrounding areas, different social and political settings and their impact on slavery, the nature of the master-slave relationship, how and why slavery did not seem to be problematic in Roman society from a Roman perspective, the different forms of slavery, and why slavery continued.
Music has played a vital role in human culture and evidence based on archaeological sites can date it back to prehistoric times. It can be traced through almost all civilizations in one form or another. As time has progressed so has the music and the influences it has on people. Music is an important part of popular culture throughout the world, but it is especially popular in the United States. The music industry here is, and has been, a multi-million dollar business that continues to play an important role in American popular culture. This is also a art form and business that is forever changing as the times and more importantly, technology changes. Technology has changed the way music is made as well as how it is produced,
The popular culture of music has changed dramatically over the course of sixty five years. Since this time, new genres of music have been introduced, existing genres have changed, and fixed stereotypes have been associated with certain genres of music. Music has become a major part of popular culture, and is portrayed almost everywhere in first world societies, including on television, radio, at shopping centers, sporting events and in every area of popular culture. Music has become a major part of popular culture, and continues to strive and develop into more and diverse areas of culture.