
The Influence Of The Nile River In Ancient Egypt

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The Nile River is a majestic river that was created millions of years ago.
The river travels through the world’s largest hot desert. It flows through many countries as well as farmland, swamps, small towns and large cities. Many live along the Nile River because is full of many valuable resources (“The Nile”). The Nile River is described as a “remarkable spectacle” (“Ancient”).

Personal Interest The Nile Rivers beauty and all its ancient Egyptian temples and pyramids would be exciting to visit. Floating down the Nile on a traditional feluccas and seeing all Egypt has to offer. Parts of the Nile River have rough rapids that one can ride down in a small boat (“The Nile”).

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The Nile River is located in Africa …show more content…

(“Ancient Egypt”) About 5 million years ago The Nile River began to flow northward into Egypt (“Ancient”). Scientist believe that rifts have pulled the continent, Africa, in different directions creating highlands and valleys. Over time rivers developed and created the White Nile and the Blue Nile. The two rivers combined together to form The Nile River (The Nile). The Nile River played a big part in creating what is known as Egypt today. In the beginning of the Egyptian civilization, around 5200 BCE, many settlements developed along the river. The Nile River was believed to be the source of all life in Egypt and a big part of the lives of the Gods. One of the most important tales is that the God of Osiris and his brother Set. Set was jealous of Osiris power and popularity, so to get back at him he decided to trick him. Set told Osiris whoever sat inside the sarcophagus the best would receive it as a gift. So when Osiris lay in the sarcophagus to see if it fit his brother, Set, slammed the lid closed and sent him down the Nile River. Isis, Osiris wife, was looking for her husband down the Nile River when some children told her where it was. It is believed now that children had the gift of divinity because they could locate the sarcophagus. There are many myths of the Nile River that related to the Gods. The river was also know at the “Father of Life” and the “Mother of All Men”. Hapi, A God had blessed the …show more content…

Egypt no longer wanted to Nile River to flood. The Aswan High Dam was built in the 1970’s to control flooding. The dam was built to help control the water. In ancient times there were years of high floods that would wipe out the crops and their were years of low level floods that would end in a drought. The dam helps to regulate the water flow (“Science Kids”). Since the dam has been built Egypt agricultural economy has strengthened. The economic benefits of the Aswan High Dam have enabled the government to build more schools, hospitals, and modern sewage systems. The dam also provides hydroelectricity power for Egypt (The

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