The Nile River gave incite to Egypt’s society, culture, economy, and its politics. The Nile was what the Egyptians civilization revolved around and would have ceased to exist without it. The Nile helped the Egyptian civilization in more ways than one. The Nile River gave Egypt’s society life. The river gave the society their cattle by supporting the cattle with fresh water to drink. It was also a main part of there agriculture, which gave the society a surplus of food to harvest. It did this by giving them access to water to help grow their crops. The Nile River was believed by the Egyptians culture to be the dwelling place of their Gods. They gave the river sacrifices to thank the river for the gifts it had given them, which they believed
I believe ancient Egypt was “the gift of the Nile River” because of its location in the Sahara desert, and because of its dry location. The river provided water and soil which irrigated the Nile Delta. All farmers knew when it would flood, and prepare their fields. Ancient Egypt had very little contact with surrounding civilization for many centuries because of isolation. This kept foreign ideas and influences from disrupting their cultural balance and they were free of foreign invasion through most of their history.
It is continually praised throughout the text, that every God and Pharaoh praised the river for bringing them riches. It was a major influence to the inhabitants and their religion. The river made it possible for the people to actually live in the desert barren place, it was the only way could fertilize the land for crops and animals. The river did flood once in a while, but they were predictable compare to other regions. This allowed the people to prepare for the upcoming flood; but they weren’t so bad. The floods would bring in more water for the animals but also leave behind a plentiful amount of mud for soil use. The river brought people from all over to trade, to shape culture, religion, and arts to the Egyptian’s peoples
The Egyptian people could move crops from places of plenty to places of famine, which kept the whole society going. The river transport also gave craftsmen a chance to sell beyond their local market. In short, the Nile made the beginnings of a national economy possible ( document C ). The Egyptian people praise the river to the “ Hymn to the Nile” because it keeps the land alive ( able to produce food ), it floods the fields so that the animals will have the food they need to live, it causes barley and wheat to grow, it allows for religious festivals ( in times of plenty ), and it makes the people joyful.
The Nile River was surrounded by the Western Desert on the west, by the Eastern Desert on the east, and the Mediterranean Sea to the north, which provided natural barriers to keep out invaders. (Doc. A). The land hugging the Nile was relatively flat, so it was good for farming. The water from the Nile could be used to bathe in, catch food, and for many other uses. Also, the Nile flooded frequently, so the water was a very important resource. (Doc. B). The flood water provided fertile soil for farming and made it possible for the ancient Egyptians to have a stable food supply. The Nile was very long, so it provided for many people, and it allowed the Egyptians to grow food like date palms and flax. (Docs. A and D).
Rivers can help develop different civilizations such as the Nile River. This great river measures thirty five hundred miles through many different countries (Orlin, 2010). The Nile helped to bring life, security and dictated how the people planned activities throughout the year. For example, the farmers would seed the land after the Nile would start swell and then recede to its normal banks (Orlin, 2010). This helped the seedlings to grow and then produce bountiful harvest. The Nile provided security for the Egyptian people by allowing the reeds and natural grasses around the bank of the river (Orlin, 2010). This would allow any enemy that wanted to attack to not
One way the Nile helped shape ancient Egypt was buy give them a home and a way to transport themselves. In document A all of the important settlements were near the Nile. This is because they needed the Nile for food, water and ext. In document C it shows that the Nile is their one and only way of transportation. So the Nile is a major part of the egyptian life.
The Nile river shaped ancient Egypt in many ways. The Nile was important to everyone who lived in ancient Egypt. Without the Nile River the ancient Egyptians would have never survived. The Nile was a big part in everything that the Egyptians did. The Nile took a big part in agriculture, economics, and religion in ancient Egypt.
The Nile was a great river that provided good resources enabling the people of Egypt to survive without
Ancient Egypt’s geography, especially the Nile River, greatly affected its population. The Nile River was and still is an extremely important source of many resources for its people. It can provide things like water, fertile soil, and transportation.It can also cause destruction and is dangerous. Since their lives depended on the Nile so much, the people of Egypt totally shaped their lives around it. Without it, they would not have been able to survive.
Without the Nile River, Egypt today may not have existed. The Nile River helped shape Ancient Egypt’s diverse culture and various philosophies, which is what made it a very successful (if not the most successful) ancient civilization. The Nile did this in numerous ways such as allowing travel, producing art and religion, and flooding so that people could grow crops. Without the Nile, the success of Ancient Egypt would have been debateable. Ancient Egyptians did have the Nile River however, which led to their ultimate success for almost 3,000 years.
The Nile is essential to the people of Ancient Egypt because of its location, settlement, economy, and religious beliefs. The Nile River greatly impacted the lives of Ancient Egyptians, shaping their civilization on where they live. Most of Egypt was a barren desert, so the inhabitants clustered around water sources to survive. In Document B, the map of the Nile gave the Egyptians a sense of protection from outside invaders. The way the river flows, from south to north, creates two distinct areas:
Egypt was seen as one of the most important river valley civilizations. Many historians argue that the Nile was the main source that helped Egypt be as successful as it was, because of it’s source of life. The Nile was shaped the entire Ancient Egyptian society from the beginning because of it’s usefulness to the Egyptians. The Nile River helped shape Ancient Egypt because it provided protection from invaders, jobs, trade, food supply, and had god like features.
All the civilizations lived among rivers. The ancient Egyptians lived among the Nile River. The ancient Egyptians highly regarded the Nile as incredibly important and life giving. The Nile was important because it watered all of the land and in return deposited silt that was used to grow crops to feed all the animals and people.
Egypt is the most iconic of the river valley civilizations and it is also one of the most significant civilizations of all. The trade mark of Egypt is the Nile River. It was the most Important part of the geography. The predictable and cyclical flooding of the Nile was what helped agriculture thrive in Egypt. Agriculture emerged in Egypt by 5,000 BCE. The flooding of the river acted as a perfect irrigation system for plants and silt that cam from the river was nutrient rich and helped grow plants at a great scale. Egyptian agriculture was so successful that there was a great surplus of food.
The roles of the Nile River in the rise of ancient Egypt was food, time, and civilization. Cairo is the city of the Egypt and used to be a desert. Nile River brought a lot of sources of food like trees that had fruits or fish. When Nile River flooded the land, they found a soil that help growing beans or wheat. There was no clocks or calendars back then.