
The Influence Of Women's Bodies In American Media

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The representation of women’s bodies has long been a source of controversy in America media. For years, images of slender, tan, and digitally altered bodies have been bombarded into the minds of our young women through television and movie screens. In the past two decades, sexual substance on TV and in the films has turned out to be more inescapable and unequivocal. Eating disorders and body image issues plague young women at an alarming rate, and girls feel more pressure to achieve a “perfect body” because being sexy and engaging in sexual intercourse is depicted as a normal part of a popular, exciting, and glamorous female’s life. With all the numerous body images or idols portrayed on television, one could see why a young adolescent could struggle with their gender identity and question themselves to a great extent. …show more content…

Eyal and his colleagues examine the presence of sexual messages among teenagers in the United States. Comparing findings from two seasons, 2001—2002 & 2004-2005, the finding show that these programs contained a large number of sexual messages, though their frequency decreased as time progressed, and most of the messages were in dialogue form. Utilizing Social Cognitive Theory, Eyal emphasize socialization as the key process to forming sexual identities, placing value on the role that media plays in shaping adolescents’ sexual knowledge, expectations, and behaviors. The sexual suggestions in media glamorize and glorify sexuality, which can prompt dangerous sexual conduct. Instead of instructing youths about the hurtful impacts, this kind of media promotes promiscuity without regard to consequences. Strasburger (2010) states, "75 % of prime-time programs have sexual content and only 14% of those mention risks or responsibilities of sexual activity. 40% of these lyrics have sexual material and only 6% contain healthy sexual

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