When you drink alcohol it messes with your judgment .Long term problems with drinking alcohol can lead to liver disease, high blood pressure, stroke, stomach problems, harm to unborn children, and complications with other illnesses. You can also get addicted to alcohol. Why can alcohol become an addictive substance? Drinking alcohol causes a release of endorphins and activates reward circuitry in the brain. Heavy and frequent drinkers experience a larger release of endorphins. Eventually, tolerance and dependence develop, and users become addicted to alcohol. Endorphins are any of a group of hormones secreted within the brain and nervous system and having a number of physiological functions. They are peptides that activate the body's opiate receptors, causing an analgesic effect. If you drink just one beer the stimulants mess with your brain. Alcohol messes with your nervous system. When you consume alcohol your judgment gets hazy. That is one reason you don’t drink and drive. When you drive under the influence your judgment is off so you may not know what side of the road you are on. If you get pulled over while intoxicated you may have to take a Breathalyzer. They legal limit for a Breathalyzer is 0.8%. You can say you do not want to take the Breathalyzer because it is your right. Little factors like the person’s weight, muscle mass, or recently consumed drinks and food can all affect the measurement of a person’s blood alcohol content. People often think when
The article, “Alcohol can rewire the teenage brain,” starts by stating that more than 4,750 American kids aged 15 and younger, said they took their first drink of alcohol already. Kids who start drinking before the age of 15 are more likely to become alcoholics because they get addicted to the drug. The article also states that they are more likely to start binge drinking. A study conducted by Lorena Siqueira a pediatrician at the Florida International University and Nicklaus Children’s hospital in Miami, reported that, “When kids drink, they tend to do heavy drinking,” and that, “Their bodies are not ready to handle that kind of alcohol.” Teens think that alcohol will help them feel happier and better, but that is not true. Teens also drink
Over several years, the scientific research of alcohol and its affects on the human body and brain have gradually progressed. Most people who indulge in alcoholic beverages do not think of the consequences it may have on their bodies over time. Alcohol can affect the nervous system, as well as the peripheral nervous system, which controls the nerves throughout your entire body. Consuming excessive amounts of alcohol over an extended period of time can lead to a series of problems that impair the muscle tissue and brain. Neuroimaging and advanced technology has shown changes in blood flow in and around the brain, the brains metabolism, and the neurophysiological measures in the brain. Alcohol remains a poisonous toxin that affects the nerves
Driving under the influence is measured by a person’s blood alcohol level (BAC). BAC is determined by the concentration of alcohol in the bloodstream. Individual counties and states have their own legal level on blood alcohol percentages that they measure a person’s
One of the major problems in society is alcoholism. The effects of this disease are very dangerous and serious. Alcohol can cause many problems in a person’s life without them even being aware of it. People who have been drinking large amounts of alcohol for long periods of time run the risk of developing serious and persistent changes in the brain. While several decades of research with adults have shown that chronic heavy drinking is associated with adverse consequences on the adult brain, this relationship has only recently been explored in the adolescent brain.
Have you ever imagined what could really happen if you were caught drinking or driving? Or what about if you woke up on the side of the road not remembering what happened? These are just a few situations, but there are plenty of more. Alcohol can damage the brain, harm your liver and cause you to experiment with more dangerous drugs and alcohol.
This can lead to injury from overconfidence in the drinker’s ability to assess a situation, which might lead them to do something they would normally find inappropriate or not safe. Drinking impairs judgment and can cause the abuser to lose some sense of awareness in situations which might cause an inappropriate response. Someone who has drank in excess might have trouble reciprocating other people’s social cues and may react violently or with aggression since drinking alcohol impairs judgment. Most dangerously of all is the drinker’s loss of control, specifically when they get in a car. A drinker’s motors skills may be at a complete loss after an excess in drinking, this can lead to an automobile accident which could be
When drinking alcohol, alcoholics know some side effects. What they dont know is how it damages the brain. Brain disease is one of the many side effects. Alcohol also affects the liver, lungs, heart and cells.
Many negative effects come with drinking alcohol. Since teenagers’ brains are not fully developed until they are in their mid 20’s, it is especially dangerous to them. The legal alcohol age should not be eighteen because it harms the teenage brain and body, it has negative (and potentially fatal) effects on school, and it has negative effects on driving.
Someone is sitting at a restaurant bar. A waitress walks over handing out free shots, so he takes one. One leads to two, two leads to three, and so on. Before he realizes it, he is talking louder than ever, tripping over his own feet, and causing a scene. Toward the end of the night, he walks into someone’s table, as he is heading out of the restaurant, knocking over their meals. He tries to say something, but all that comes out is mumbling. The next morning, he is feeling dizzy, has a pounding headache, and does not remember anything from the night before.
http://www.alcoholism.tqn.com/library/weekly/aa022697.htm?pid=2750&cob=home. Whether a crime was committed intentionally or unintentionally has great bearing on the decision of a jury in finding a person guilty of a crime and/or on the judge's choice of punishment. You might have heard of husbands apologizing to their wives the day after they've beaten them. Their apology might sound something like, "I'm so sorry. I did not mean to hurt you, I swear!" Does alcohol have the capability to make a person forget? Can a person be unaware of his surroundings and yet still be able to interact with it? More importantly, can alcohol change a person's personality enough that it would cause him to do things
Undoubtedly, the legal limit for drinking while driving desperately must be reconsidered. Driving after consuming any amount of alcohol is negligent and hazardous. The concern of drinking and driving is a state law; therefore, the rules and laws may vary among the states. Regardless, drinking while driving is an enormous concern in all 50 states and getting behind the wheel of a vehicle after consuming any amount of alcohol should not be tolerated under any circumstances. “The amount of alcohol in the bloodstream is called Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC). It is measured in milligrams percent. In most states, drinkers are presumed to be legally impaired if they have a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or higher. This is the same as one drop of alcohol in 1,200 drops of blood. While this may seem a small amount to worry about, a blood alcohol concentration of 0.30 can cause a person to go into a coma, while a blood alcohol concentration level of 0.40 could easily kill you” (Chaves County DWI Program). A surprising statistic to most people is, on average about three drinks will put an individual over the legal limit. One drink is considered 12oz beer, 3oz of wine, and 1oz of hard liquor (Arizona Department of Public Safety). Many people get behind the wheel, after having just a few drinks, believing that they have
Most of People addicted to alcohol now a days. Mostly they will drink in the parties continuously. There are many health problems because of drinking alcohol. When you drink alcohol, it’s ingested into your circulatory system and influences all aspects of your body. For long haul, this can put your wellbeing at danger. Sometimes alcohol is good for health. Case in point, Red wine on the off chance that you drink it can anticipate disease, solid gleaming skin, and can secure your wellbeing. Anyway more often than not other alcohol’s consequences for your health mind, heart, liver, pancreas, growth, and Immune frame work. There are twenty three effects on the body if you drink alcohol. Some effect are birth defects, speech, coordination, strange sensations, muscle cramps and hard on the heart.
The abuse of alcohol over long periods of time may also cause diseases such as cirrhosis, acute alcohol hepatitis, and the most severe liver disease. Cirrhosis is a disease in which the liver becomes so scarred that the patient lacks sufficient healthy tissue to perform the organ?s functions. Once you?ve got it, you are stuck with it. (Gross, 6) The worst thing about these diseases is that you will not know you have them unless you are medically examined on a regular basis. Alcohol consumption is a large contributor to the development of several types of cancer- mostly dealing with the neck and brain. We know that cancer kills and therefore it is safe to say that in some cases, alcohol can be deadly. It is important to realize that alcoholism is a disease. A heavy drinker will experience the effects of withdrawal syndrome (which include hypertension, anxiety, disorientation, hallucinations, and seizures) if he decides to stop drinking. Being addicted to alcohol is similar to being addicted to any other drug in that once one starts using, it is tough to live without. It is also a ?gateway drug? just as marijuana and other sedatives. (Bennett, Woolf, 13-23)
Alcohol is a dangerous substance that deteriorates the human body if consumed on a regular basis. Even if a person is not a heavy drinker, their body still go through changes when they drink alcohol (NIH, 2010). Alcoholic beverages are an extremely toxic substance that affects one physical wellness. The National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism known as NIH, discusses how alcoholic beverages affects a person’s brain, heart, and liver. Also, the NIH explains how alcohol abuse can lead to cancer in the mouth, esophagus, breast, liver, pharynx, and larynx. It has been noted that alcohol abuse can cause the immune system of a person to weaken (NIH, 2010). Various research has been conducted in order to determine which parts of the brain is impacted because of alcohol consumption (NIH, 2010).
Personal Well Being: Alcoholism leads to long-term damage on numerous parts of your body. It can affect your mood permanently and cause anxiety. Alcoholism can affect your immune system and your central nervous system. Furthermore, it can cause you to gain weight, and lead to high blood pressure, cancer, strokes and heart attacks. Overall alcoholism leads to an alcohol addict leading an unhappy and unhealthy lifestyle.