
The Influences Of Nature And Nurture On Personal Development

Decent Essays

Many researchers say that nature and nurture influences our personal development, but other researchers say that only nature and others say only nurture influences our personal development. In my own personal development, I would have to say that nurture influences my personal development. Nurture is the sum total of the environmental factors that affect an organism from conception onward (Rathus pg. 56). In shorter terms, nurture is your environmental factors. Some environmental factors would be nutrition, learning opportunities, cultural influences, exercise, and accident and illness. Environmental influences on intelligence would be to observe the role of a home environment and evaluation of the effects of educational programs. On the role of home environment and style of parenting is based on IQ scores. The IQ score could be …show more content…

Nature is your genetics or heredity. Genetic influences examine the IQ scores of closely and distantly related people who have been reared together or apart (Rathus pg. 197). I believe that heredity doesn’t really involve with intelligence. Your parents could be not that smart and you are great at everything in school. Intelligent is not based on heredity. My dad dropped out of high school in the 10th grade so he smart but not really educated. On the other hand, my mother finished her high school years and later on went to Piedmont technical college. See my genetics do not effect on my personal development. You either study really hard to get you in life or just don’t care about your education. I feel like my personal development is based on nurture and not nature. To conclude, I would have to say that nurture is more in my personal development than nature. More environmental influences deal with me learning the right from wrong in life. I learn from other people’s mistakes and don’t make them. You either learn the first time not to do it again or you will never

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