Many researchers say that nature and nurture influences our personal development, but other researchers say that only nature and others say only nurture influences our personal development. In my own personal development, I would have to say that nurture influences my personal development. Nurture is the sum total of the environmental factors that affect an organism from conception onward (Rathus pg. 56). In shorter terms, nurture is your environmental factors. Some environmental factors would be nutrition, learning opportunities, cultural influences, exercise, and accident and illness. Environmental influences on intelligence would be to observe the role of a home environment and evaluation of the effects of educational programs. On the role of home environment and style of parenting is based on IQ scores. The IQ score could be …show more content…
Nature is your genetics or heredity. Genetic influences examine the IQ scores of closely and distantly related people who have been reared together or apart (Rathus pg. 197). I believe that heredity doesn’t really involve with intelligence. Your parents could be not that smart and you are great at everything in school. Intelligent is not based on heredity. My dad dropped out of high school in the 10th grade so he smart but not really educated. On the other hand, my mother finished her high school years and later on went to Piedmont technical college. See my genetics do not effect on my personal development. You either study really hard to get you in life or just don’t care about your education. I feel like my personal development is based on nurture and not nature. To conclude, I would have to say that nurture is more in my personal development than nature. More environmental influences deal with me learning the right from wrong in life. I learn from other people’s mistakes and don’t make them. You either learn the first time not to do it again or you will never
The historical debate regarding nature and nurture has been going on for years and is still unresolved. Many theorists believe what we have inherited and our genes, makes us the way we are and how we develop. Other theorists believe it is the way we are brought up and our experiences, that make us the way we are and how we develop.
One of the main, and most controversial topics discussed in a child’s development is, nature vs. nurture. Nature pertains to genetic influences that a child has inherited from their parents, such as traits, abilities, and capacities. For instance, what color eyes the child may have, how athletic they may be, and even their brain development. Whereas nurture, refers to the environment the child is raised in and how this shapes their behaviors. Such factors can include, the family’s socio-economic status, schooling, parental discipline, as well as whether the child is provided with enough resources. When it comes to nature or nurture having a stronger influence then the other, the answer is both, nature and nurture, influence the outcome of the child. This idea that both nature and nurture, play a part in how the child will develop, is known as the nature-nurture continuum.
Nature Vs Nurture is often the huge debate in psychology when it comes to determining and understanding individual’s characteristics traits. Nature is hereditary to our behavior while nurture is based on our environmental influences. Although most argue whether or not nature or nurture defines our characteristics, I believe both have an impact on we are.
The nature vs nurture debate is one that naturalists and empiricists love to have. The naturalists are on the nature side of the debate; they believe that a person's development is primarily influenced by their genetic traits. The empiricists, on the other hand, side with the nurture part of the debate; they believed that a person's development is mostly influenced by the environment they are raised in. Most modern psychologist, however, don’t take such radical approaches. They instead accept that a person’s development is influenced by a mixture of both nature and nurture, although there is still debate over which plays a larger role (McLeod). In my life, both nature and nurture have played key roles in my development as a person and who I
Nurture Our bodies are empty vessels just waiting to be filled by experiences gained from environmental interactions. Nurture is described as an individual's behavior that is determined by the environment, the things people teach them, the things they observe, and because of the different situations they face. Throughout a person’s life, whether is the household they grew up in to the situations they faced on the daily basis will determine the person's behavior. The environment is the main key to the behavior a person will develop.
This refers to the influence of experience, i.e, what is learned through interacting with both the physical and social environment. Supporters of the nurture view are known as empiricists “holding the view that all knowledge is gained through experience", you may be familiar with the term empirical support; where data is collected through sensory experience rather than a reliance on thoughts and ideas.
Nature Vs Nurture centers on how much of a person’s biological, cognitive, personal and social development can be attributed to either the genetic (hereditary) determinism i.e. nature or the environmental determinism i.e. nurture.
Nature and nurture have both affected me in one way or another. Nurture seems like it plays a bigger role in my life. When I wanted to join track my parents would help me with what I needed. They said that if I wanted to I could do it and they always tried to get me to run more but I didn't need to run because after a little bit I wanted to run even more. An example of both nature and nurture would be school both my parents were good in school so when I was born I had some intelligence but they both want me to do better than them in school so they hold my grades above all else. Nature also played a role in me joining track because both my parents did track in high school they were both very good at short distance so am I.
I think that that both nature and nurture play an important role and the way a person turns out. It can either have a positive impact on the individual or a negative
Very Well Mind has explained the definitions and thought processes of scientists and biologists. Nature refers to all of the genes and hereditary factors that influence who we are—from our physical appearance to our personality characteristics. Nurture refers to all the environmental variables that impact who we are, including our early childhood experiences, how we were raised, our social relationships, and our surrounding culture. Biological variables have been seen as one of the biggest nurturing parts of children. However, some things happen naturally, no matter the influence coming from outside sources.
Both nature and nurture has influences our personal developments. An example of how nature influenced my personal development is that my dad completed high school and went to college. I think that was a big help with me because I’m doing the same thing. Some people think that nature doesn’t influence person development. People think that because your parents could have dropped out of high school, but you completed high school and went to college. Nurture also can help with personal development because the environment helps you make certain decisions. The people you hang around most are most likely to influence you. If you see your friends doing something that you know is wrong what would you do? Some people will do it too because their friends influence them to do bad things. Others will walk away because their parents are good people and they have the same good traits as their parents. In my personal development both nature and nurture influenced me. Nature because both my mom and dad are quiet people and I feel like that has influenced me because I’m quiet too. There are many other ways that they have influenced me also. Some examples would be working every day to get whatever I need. I see my mom and dad working hard so I feel like I should do the same thing. The environment has influenced me a lot also. An example of how the nurture influenced my
Nature-nature debate is a very old one, dating back to Aristotle, who argued that we are born blank slates and everything we become is a product of the external world. While Greek philosopher Plato said intelligence and behavior were innate (Myers & DeWall, 2016, p.8). As psychology has progressed throughout the years, in general, it is believed that both nature and nurture influence behavior and development (Thinking Critically Lecture).
I feel that nurture has affected who I am in my life more than nature for the life stage I am currently in. Outside factors such as my parents divorce, my larger quantity of siblings, living in the city and the opportunities that gives me have made a strong impact on my decision making and personality.
The ongoing debate of the topic “Nurture” is more important than “nature”, has been considered true many times throughout the world from books to real life scenarios and events, but what is our meaning of “nurture” and “nature”? The common aspect of “nurture” is where outside influences determine what we will be like society being an example, while “nature” is basically that genetics determine the outcome of how people turn out. There is an easy argument for the case of “nurture”, but just because of the argument being an easy case, is it really true? People acquire their personalities, opinions and beliefs through “nurture”, while they also inherit a much deeper meaning of quality through “nature”, being that, quality is the trait which it takes to commit murder, seek risk, or become an accountant. That is why the statement “nurture” is more important than “nature”is false.
The basic assumption of psychologists in correlation to nurture is that the mind is a “blank slate, or tabula rasa” (Locke, 1689) during infancy, and continues to absorb new information as the environment changes with the child. There are multiple disciplines within the psychological school of thought that become very relevant when studying nurture. For starters, cognitive psychology states that mental