
Privacy In The Information Age

Decent Essays

The Information Age has dawned upon us. Our generation was born into an era where an unbelievable amount of relevant knowledge is presented to us with minimal effort, but like most life-changing advancements, it does not come without drawbacks. The internet is an almost completely unregulated information-based society. A Mecca of easily accessible information, but also a place for hackers, data thieves, and internet-trolls to prosper. So as we are thriving in this world of digital data, we are also generating an information trail as we shop online, interact through social media, and store our information to cloud-based services. However, many consumers, although concerned about privacy invasions, simply accept the loss of their privacy as a consequence of the Information Age and are not willing to give up the benefits and conveniences in which information technology has provided them. Recently, with the government intervening through proposed laws such as CISPA and Americans becoming more cautious, the issue of compromised data and digital privacy is rapidly coming to the fore. “What is the big problem with creating a safe browsing environment?”, one might wonder when discussing the internet. Simply put, there are too many factors that play into protecting ourselves as technology rapidly progresses to create an equilibrium that everyone is happy with. The 1st amendment often conflicts with the wants of internet users in the information age. “What should the

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