
The Integration Of Two Organizations

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The integration of two organizations’ corporate cultures into one is no simple tasks, as corporate values, norms, and expectations will differ between the two organizations. According to the article how to Successfully Manage a Merger, “roughly 70 percent of all corporate mergers fail, according to the Boston-based consulting firm Bain & Company. Although mergers can head south for many reasons, difficulties created by cultural differences at merged companies seem to play a significant role” (Schatz, 2013). When merging cultures, companies must have a strategic plan that makes culture a priority in the change management strategy. This plans needs to include defining the desired culture, assigning a team to manage the cultural change, outlining the organizational culture that you wish to achieve, developing the cultural change plan, and making sure that progress of the plan is measureable.
Once the merger has been completed, it is important for top executives to define the culture in which they plan to achieve. This culture can be comprised of a blend of the different organizations’ cultures, or adopting the one organizational culture that feel best suited to guide the company moving forward. The article integrating cultures after a merger explains that “to integrate two cultures, savvy acquirers first define the cultural objective in broad terms. This is invariably a job for the chief executive—and the CEO has to be willing to sustain his or her commitment until the

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