Tornados are grey like the fifty shades of grey. They come in hard with storms and destroy everything that is in the way. They vary in sizes. The baddest, meanest, and strongest tornado is an F-5 and the smallest, weakest, and that does nothing bad is an F-0. It can be vicious if one is in the way. One may enjoy the satisfaction of chasing one down and recording it. The intensity of risking one's life to get what one is looking for. The heart beating rapidly out of sheer excitement. Even though tornadoes can be dangerous, powerful, and
A tornadoes form when it is humid but the ground is wet and slower winds are by the ground as the fastest wind are higher in the sky. Because of this the wind starts to circle around when the slow wind moves up higher. Rain will fall and so will a funnel which is the tornado. The reason twister in Florida left extreme damage and many houses were being fixed or covered with tarp. Today they are cleaning up the damage or debris all over town. Other places tornadoes have touched down resonantly are Virginia and North Carolina the worst one was the one in Carolina taking three lives. To not be one of those three you must find shelter once you hear the word "WARNING." if you hear "watch" then prepare to go into "WARNING." Pleas remember that.
In this paper I am going to discuss what the Tin Pan Alley Era was. What historical practices allowed the music and recording industry to produce “feel good” music while almost completely ignoring the pressing social concerns of the day? How did the invention of the radio and other technologies like the microphone change the music industry? Why did Tin Pan Alley last as long as it did, and last what killed Tin Pan Alley?
Look a TORNADO! There are 2 ef-5 tornados! The forecast today is that there are 2 ef-5 tornados and they are ripping things up we better get shelter. Ok i'm back with the weather and i am going to list some cause and effects for you while i’m standing.
We use Fujita-Pearson to measure the strength or force of a tornado. There are 6 F scale numbers. F6 is the highest category with wind speed 319-379 mph. Next, F5 is incredible tornado with wind speed 261-318 mph. Next, F4 is devastating tornado with wind speed 207-260 mph. It is completely capable of flattening cars and hurling cattle, and F1 can push a mobile home off its foundation.
Some tornado specifics can be interesting, some can be boring but these are the fascinating ones. There is a part of land in the Midwestern U.s where more than 1,000 tornadoes form. Most tornadoes only stay on the ground for less than five minutes and some tornadoes stand still while others can go on devastating speeds. The destruction tornadoes make is mostly from the debris that it picks up. More than half of tornadoes are weak and don’t cause many
A tornado is a very complex and complicated type of outdoor vacuum. The various types of tornadoes are caused when a great size of particles become part of cloud and start releasing heat rapidly which makes it rise and create a vacuum underneath it. The air that quickly goes into the vacuum creates the center of the tornado or the tornadoes vortex. Then when the air temperature changes it causes a sudden drop in the air pressure. When the heat is being released in the vacuum it causes precipitation. The rain released is equal to the amount of heat absorbed.
Tornadoes, also known as twisters or cyclones, are funnels of wind that can reach a certain point of destruction. They can occur almost anywhere and vary in all sizes. Many simulators are used to try and replicate different tornadoes. The differences in tornadoes and a simulator, is destruction, size, and temperature
Tornadoes can have harmful physical impacts on the environment when they strike with incredible velocity. The winds are powerful enough to snap and uproot trees, destroying forests in their paths. Tornadoes and the torrential rain and hail that accompany them can destroy a vast amount of crops. Winds of up to 300 mph can turn harmless objects and structures into deadly projectiles, all occurring in a matter of seconds. Injuries or deaths resulting from tornadoes are most often caused by the collapse of buildings and flying debris.
certain areas and get colder in others so to keep balance it needs to move the
The first thing that starts a tornado would be the winds. The wind updraft can form a funnel. This funnel is called a Mesocyclone and when the mesocyclone touches the ground it is considered a tornado. Clouds play an important role in forming tornadoes too. Some other clouds are called, Wall Clouds. These clouds protrude from the sky and look like a giant waves coming down about to crash on earth. When wall clouds form the sky might turn to a greenish color or some other color. This wall-cloud
First of all, you need to know about their winds. Their winds spin in a cyclonic motion according to Weather Wizard. Tornados can spin two different ways. Hurricanes spin up to 300 mph in wind speed. Tornados can not spin that fast. But both of their winds are powerful. The fastest tornado could run through Manhattan and almost completely destroy it.
Tornadoes are some of the most dangerous weather events in the world. Exceptionally deadly tornado outbreaks have played crucial roles in the development of a tornado warning system. Tornadoes are very powerful and can and will destroy and kill.
Tornados are one of the most destructive and devastating natural forces on Earth. When a tornado is fully created, wind speeds can reach up to more than 300 mph (483 km/h). Most tornadoes that occur are between the Appalachians and Rocky Mountains, but tornados can happen where ever the conditions are right. 90% of tornadoes that happen in the United States, happens in the Central United States. Even though scientist have not yet understood how tornadoes are formed, they’ve developed a theory that consist of the process and conditions of which a tornado must have to form.
A tornado is a violent rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. The most violent tornadoes can produce massive destruction with wind speeds of 250 miles per hour or more. The typical tornado moves from southwest to northeast, but they have been known to move in any direction. The average forward speed of a tornado is 30 miles per hour but it may vary from stationary to 70 miles per hour. Although tornadoes occur in many parts of the world, they are found most frequently in the United States east of the Rocky Mountains during the spring and summer months. In an average year, 800 tornadoes are reported nationwide, resulting in 80 deaths and over 1,500 injuries.
A tornado is defined as a violently rotating column extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. The most violent tornadoes are capable of tremendous destruction with wind speeds of two hundred and fifty miles per hour or more. Damage paths can be more than one mile wide and fifty miles long. In an average year, eight hundred tornadoes are reported nationwide, resulting in eighty deaths and over one thousand five hundred injuries. In the body of my essay, I will tell you about types of tornadoes, where tornadoes come from, where and when tornadoes occur, the damage they inflict, variations of tornadoes, and how to detect tornadoes.