The Internet is one of the most important aspects of life in the 21st century. The technological advances in the world today have made the internet an essential part. The uses of the internet include communication, a source of information, and marketing in businesses among others. It is estimated that more than 47% of the world populace have access to the internet and uses it for varied purposes ("World Internet Users Statistics and 2017 World Population Stats," n.d.). However, despite the popularity, very few people understand the functioning of the internet when they are browsing since they usually consider them as technical stuff. To appreciate the operation of the internet, there are several aspects that a person must understand various aspects such as the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and its parameters like cookies. More so, their importance should be understood especially for analysts.
According to Kaushik (2012), Uniform Resource Locator (URL), describes the protocol that specifies the exert location of an address on the internet. It gives the location of a certain file where a file can be found and consists of the particular route. It includes such protocols such HTTP and that typically comes before the domain name. URLs have varying importance and usability. For instance, URLs provides a link directing an individual to a particular web page of interest. Without them, the visitors would not be in a position to locate data or content found on the server of the
How has technology and the Internet have brought young people closer together? For today’s teens, friendships can start digitally: 57% of teens have met a new friend online. Social media and online gaming are the most common digital venues for meeting friends. Phone calls are less common early in a friendship, but are still an important way that teens talk with their closest friends.
In this present web-savvy era, URL is a genuinely basic abbreviation which is broadly utilized as a word as a part of itself, without much thought for what it remains or what it is included. In this paper, the fundamental ideas of URLs and internet Cookies are discussed about with spotlight on its significance in Analytics perspective.
The World Wide Web consists of a collection of electronic documents in the form of web pages. These web pages have unique addresses called URL’s that show where to locate the web page on the World Wide Web. This essay will examine various definitions of URL’s and cookies, and why a web analyst should care about their importance.
In this current internet-savvy generation, URL is a fairly common abbreviation which is widely used as a word in itself, without much thought for what it actually stands for or what it is comprised of. In this paper, the basic concepts of URLs and internet Cookies are discussed with focus on its importance in Analytics point of view.
We are using internet every day in our life. URL is something we will meet and use when we surfing on the internet. URL is the address where the internet files are located, just like streets on the urban geography map, we could search and see it clearly when we need and use it.
A URL (Uniform Resource Locator, previously Universal Resource Locator) is the unique address for a file that is accessible on the Internet. Such a file might be any Web (HTML) page, an image file, or a program such as a common gateway interface application or Java applet. A common way to get to a web site is to enter the URL of its home page file in web browser 's address line. However, any file within that web site can also be specified with a unique URL. So the web pages of any website are identified by the URL. It contains the name of the protocol to be used to access the file resource, a domain name that identifies a specific computer on the Internet, and a pathname, a hierarchical description that specifies the location of a file in
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The Internet carries a vast range of information resources and services, such as the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support electronic mail.
In today’s society, the world wide web is a very important aspect in so many lives within society. Some people use the world wide web for researching information for their essays and assignments while other people may use the world wide web to promote a certain brand that he or she is works for. Regardless of the reason(s) that each individual may use the world wide web, it is important for people to be aware of certain things that is within the world wide web. Majority of people that uses the world wide web does not pay any attention to what he or she are facing while he or she is using the world wide web. or see the importance of learning key information when he or she is using the world wide web. Some people within today’s society are so caught up in the world wide web nowadays that he or she may feel as if no one can harm him or her on the world wide web. He or she does not think that it is very important to use safety precautions while using the world wide web when he or she is using the world wide web. Some people that use the world wide web may not take protection precautions, such as virus software for his or her device or devices. Some people that uses the world wide web does not think that it is very important to practice protection precautions while he or she is surfing the world wide web. Regardless of the purpose of an individual using the world wide web, it is very important for every individual to learn how to be a
Malcolm spent his life on the Internet. Sara was tired of hearing the tap, tap of his computer. She wanted to feel loved, to feel needed, but she wasn’t going to get his attention while he was locked away in the office with that dang computer. There was only one thing for Sara to do, and that was to get a computer herself. She desire to find someone online that would love her, need her, give her attention and who would listen to her. There were plenty of websites for finding love.
It has been said by many that humans are creatures of habit. However, humans appear to do a lot of changing and adapting over time, whether they consciously realize they are doing it or not. For example, when the clock was invented, people began to base their daily activities off of the clock; using it as a frame of reference for knowing when the appropriate time to do certain actions are. Likewise, when the book was invented, people stopped needing to know and memorize such large basis of knowledge, rather, they were able to write down the information and then they would have it forever. No matter what though, there will always be people who resist the change; who say it will create more problems than it will solve. This attitude is problematic because without change, humans could ever more forward and improve. The Internet is ultimately beneficial to humans because the Internet establishes new behaviors, such as speed and efficiency, in people that are crucial in modern society.
You ever wondered what if your internet searches were censored? What if countless amounts interactions and communications were unreachable from now on?Some people view the internet may be the root cause of the evil that is going on in the world. Therefore some people think these harsh events would not be reality if we just simply limited their online searches. Another reason people believe that the internet should be censored to limit some of the propaganda that people put out in the world. The amazing accomplishments that can happen due to the internet should not be censored for three reasons; the internet is a hub of information, Second the internet can be grounds of communication with people you may not have any other chance to have
“The Internet is for everyone. How easy to say - how hard to achieve!” Vint Cerf, the father of the internet said that in a 2002 memo to everyone providing information to the internet community entitled “The Internet is for Everyone.” The idea that the internet should have unlimited access is still something that is hotly contested even today. Net neutrality must stay because the internet was intended to allow free access to all, it’s promised in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and because corporations cannot be trusted to do what’s right over their own gain.
Growing up and being raised during the time when the internet was becoming popular and easily useable has given me a huge respect and admiration for those who created it, maintain the knowledge within and continue to make it as widely available to as many people as possible. That is the right thing to do given all that can be accomplished with an Internet connection. It is invaluable in today’s world to say the least. The access to unlimited knowledge and learning capabilities, the ability to instantly communicate and share anything you can imagine, and endless entertainment possibilities just scratch the surface of what is possible with access to the World Wide Web.
Today, the internet has become an indispensable part of many peoples lives. It has revolutionized the communication system to a whole new different level that has never been seen before. The internet is a source for disseminating information and a medium for interaction regardless of geographical boundaries. Today, we have come a long way from the days of letters and telegrams. In the current world, most people have access to the internet, with a small fraction of people, especially in the developing countries, who are not connected. The importance of the internet in today's world cannot be underestimated as it has now become a necessity for conducting day-to-day lives. Therefore, having access to the internet is not a luxury anymore but should be a considered fundamental right for all citizens to create a fair and equal society.(Sexton & English)
I agree with net neutrality because the internet has became such an important impact on our lives that its very very easy to imagine that it will always remain the free and open medium it is now. For those whose don’t know what net neutrality is , it basicially lets you watch all your videos and allow you to get on the internet for free. Other people tend to agree with having not to pay for all of our websites. While others , including me , who does agree with what may or may not happen. Most people can’t afford a simple bill for cable , so why would you want to pay for every website that you go on, like Youube. We all love watching our free YouTube videos, but imagine having to pay for getting on the app or watching in via web. It would be a pain having to do all the paper work just to pay for everything you watch. If the internet wasn’t free than its really not the internet if you really think about. The internet gives u so much information that everyone should be allowed to see. If we were to pay for the internet , we wouldn’t know as much as we do right at this very moment. Every cell phone company and the internet would have control on what you can watch and what you cant watch which is not right because we have the rights to do what we want and we should be able to go on any website we want to. Net neutrality also affects everyones freedom of speech which is unacceptable for the people who want to speak out about how they feel about things, saying their own