
The Intervention Of Lying And The Johari Window For Effective Communication

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The Johari Window is one of the ways people learn about the ways we communicate with others. This model is based on the information that is known to ourselves and to others, and has the appearance of a windowpane. The Window is divided into four sections: Open area, blind area, hidden area, and unknown area. The Open Area is focused on both parties’ knowledge of the same information. The example of the Open Area is from The Invention of Lying. In this clip, a man and a woman are on a date, during which the woman receives a call from her mother. During the call, she is being brutally honest in her description about her date, at which he tries to hide anger. This relates to the Window because of the woman’s openness about her date. The information shared during the call, while a mix of opinion and fact, is usually information that would be shared away from the other party. …show more content…

The example of the Hidden Area is from Broke Back Mountain. In this clip, a man arrives at the residence of a married couple. The husband comes down the stairs to greet the man, during which they hug and kiss rather passionately, which the wife notices. This relates to the Window because there are things in life, such as the implied homosexual relationship from the clip, that many of us wish to keep private. When the wife discovered this incident, she appeared disturbed, which led to a rather awkward conversation later in the clip. In fact, the potential accidental discovery of relationships such as the one in the scene are why people wish to keep things like that

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