
The Invention Of Black Holes

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Black Holes:


Without knowing the existence of black holes, we would still be stuck with many unanswered questions concerning physics. The most important one would deal with the correctness of Einstein’s general relativity. When studying cosmology, various equations are used in order to explain the different phenomena that it contains, which are derived from general relativity. With this theory confirmed, all calculations appear more certain and confident. These objects are fairly important as they are one of the least understood by humans because they depict laws of physics that appear completely different from elsewhere in the universe, but, with study, can be more understood. Being completely invisible, it becomes very difficult to observe and study them. However, astronomers continue to develop different methods to do so. The question that remains is: What exactly is a black hole? How do they work and abide to the laws of physics? Simple answer, black holes are regions in space containing gravitational fields so strong that even light cannot escape them. As a result, they absorb anything that comes close and becomes trapped by its grip. Black holes come in various forms and sizes, which work differently depending on their properties. These properties, such as mass, charge and angular momentum, help in defining black holes and it is using this that it is possible to derive the math to understand them.

History of Black holes:

John Michell and Simon Pierre

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