Make connections between the text of a story or drama and a visual or oral presentation of the text, identifying where each version reflects specific descriptions and directions in the text. (4.RL.7)
Materials: The Invisible String, Patrice Karst, illustrated by Geoff Stevenson, sticky notes, yarn strings.
Anticipatory Set/Introduce the lesson: “Have you ever read a book that explained a feeling that you had, but didn’t know there was a name for it? And you felt connected to the author experiences as similar to yours? I gave you a piece of string, every time you feel connected while I read, hold your string up with both hands. Show me your connection if …your dad was out of town working for more than a day, you have a family
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I also, have friends that I don’t talk as often as I want, and when we talk it seems like we have been connected all along. Page 14-20 I have family in Chicago, France, Germany, but I still feel connected to them. Page 21-22 I feel a connection with the people that went in Heaven.
Page 23-26 Turn to your shoulder buddy and tell about a friend or family member you had a fight, but feel connected.
Pages 27- 32 When you feel alone, just remember that we all connect to each other by the invisible string.
Provide Information: “I connect to this story because it helps me have a better understanding of myself. By making text-to-self connections I could understand the main character’s feeling in sharing her story. I can use text-to-self connections when I am reading literature because I might have similar experiences as the characters.”
Guided Practice: “As you are reading today, use a sticky note to mark your text-to-self connections. Be ready to explain your thinking to me when we meet with guided reading.”
Assess Learning: Assessment will be in guided (small group) reading when I will ask them to explain text-to-self connections and how they used it in their
As for my anticipatory set I would start the read-aloud off by asking students to think in their heads about something they lost. Then students will share with an elbow partner. I will have a few children share with the class what they lost. Then I will have students close their eyes. They will listen to my voice and they will have to show different emotions that they had when they lost that object. I will instruct students to open
RL.6.3: Describe how a particular story’s or drama’s plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as how the characters respond or change as the plot moves towards a resolution. ELA-Literacy. RL.6.6: Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker in a text. Building Background Information I will spend
Explore the ways the writer presents relationships between characters in the text you have studied.
The theme of the book is although times can be difficult you have to continue and push forward and patience will have good results.
Introduction: How’d He Do That? Memory helps establish a prior connection throughout the reading or other text.
(HOOK) How can such a substantial relationship between a character and a reader fully conjure an affinity? (CI) Throughout the course of short stories I read, there were multiple essential characters who I relate to in my everyday life. (GS1) I ultimately relate to a protagonist, who shares the valuable trait, commitment. (GS2) Meanwhile, there is another character who I passionately feel connected to based on the outstanding quality, persistence, which shows true strength within oneself. (GS3) There is also another character who impersonates me best in a unique way because we both share the features of kindness, which is a weapon to win the hearts of many, especially the antagonists. (THESIS STATEMENT) I can best relate to the short story
Analyse how the nature of a character or individual was revealed by their response to events in the visual or oral text(s).
The novel brings out the themes of close friendship and family. It teaches the reader the extreme importance of having friends you can rely on when situations
During the text-based discussion, the student will discuss what the main character in the story said, looked like, acted like, and felt like.
The previously mentioned recommended learning strategies for the very strong read/write learning preference of this student compare near-perfectly with the strategies currently in use. This student however, frequently incorporates visual approaches to writing by using different colored highlighters to categorize and connect different thoughts. Sticky notes, often having various bright colors, adorn books, periodicals, Bibles, and even the course syllabus for this class. Often when communicating in writing with others, words are circled followed by arrows that point to a reply the writer has written. Visual learning strategies are very important to this author’s success
………………………………………………10 Chapter five: Brage page…………………………………………………………………11-12 Chapter Six: Special times…………………………………………………………………13-14 Chapter Seven: My friend …………………………………………………………………15-16 Chapter Eight: My family……………………. ……………………………………………17-18 Chapter Nine: Serious Subjects …………………………………………………………….19
People should read this book because it teaches the importance of friends and family and it teaches that everybody has personal issues to go through.
The book discusses about friendship it talks about the person you are and what you are looking for in someone. When you treat people
Activating prior knowledge is an important skill that needs to be taught to students. Before reading, the reader thinks about all the things they know about a certain topic. Graphic organizers, previewing text, and looking at pictures are just some examples of activating prior knowledge.
The paste that I am reading is good. When I read I like to picture in my head what is going on in the book. In my reading log I read about 15 to 20 pages each intervention time and at home. When I read at intervention time the notes help me out a little bit with my thinking. In my opinion I think I need to write more sticky notes while I am reading. In intervention time and at