
The Is A Freak By Jake Blount

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According to his wife, Biff himself is a freak. He firmly believes in the bisexuality of human beings and becomes increasingly feminine after his wife’s death. There is an unmistakable streak of the grotesque in Jake Blount, the radical agitator and alcoholic Marxist reformer who work for the amelioration of the poor whites and want Justice, but he does ranting, yelling, raving and drinking. He is, short with heavy shoulders like beams. He has a small ragged moustache and beneath this his lower lip looks as though it had been stung by a wasp. There were many things that seem contrary in him, his head is very large and well shaped but his neck is soft and slenderas a boy’s. The moustache looks false, as if it has been struck on for a costume party and will fall off if he talked too fast. His hands are huge in shape, stained, calloused and dressed up with a cheap white linen suit. His grotesque nature alienates him further from the society. For McCullers’ grotesque is the most suitable medium because through this, she draws an alienated and tragic world of characters who demonstrate physical as well as psychological grotesqueness. Carson McCullers continues her art of grotesque in her other novels too. The Ballad of the Sad Café is one of the most important grotesque characters McCullers created and it is generally agreed that Amelia’s grotesque tragic tale is an indirect presentation of the novelist’s own personal life. In this autobiographical novel, she analysis the

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