
The Is The Modern Day Equivalent Of The Centuries Old Remunerative Peeping Toms

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Webcamming’ is the modern day equivalent of the centuries old remunerative peeping toms industry. It is a virtual world that entertains an expanse of innumerable sexual desires. These desires are performed in exchange for money or goods from within the homes of both the performer and the voyeur (Sammy Said. 2013).

This paper has been based around primary research with one Webcam Girl in particular. From reading Nicole Westermarland’s (2001) ideas surrounding ethics of feminist research, a qualitative rather than quantitative method of research was chosen with one Webcam Girl to ensure a rounded depiction of what affects the profession can have on the psyche. The adoption of a conversational type interview was used to understand the complexities of The Webcam Phenomena. These methods will be explained in Chapter 1. A second layer of voyeurism was noted when researching this recent profession, raising an ethical issue; caution was required not to abuse the role of researcher to offer a rounded insight into this unknown world.

The functionality of a Webcam Girl will be explored as well as a brief history of its origin in Chapter 2. An attempt to explain some of the reasons behind the profession’s taboo, and the negative preconceptions that are held in association with this line of work will also be examined.

There is a level of narcissism found within the practice, due to the computer screen acting as a mirror. Jacques Lacan’s theory of The Split Self (Terry Gamel. 2009)

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