Current Event: IST 755 Strategic Management of Information Resources
Syracuse University
Suhas Rajaram
Prof. Raed M. Sharif
The Issue & its Importance:
In a statement released on 6th February, 2015, Anthem Inc, the largest for profit managed healthcare company in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association released a statement that they were target of very sophisticated external cyber-attack. Apparently attackers gained unauthorized access to Anthem’s IT system and have obtained personal information of their current and former members such as their names, birthdays, medical IDs/social security numbers, street addresses, email addresses and employment information, including income data. Highly confidential information of as many as 80 million individuals was compromised in what is the largest known breach of a healthcare company. According to Bloomberg experts, Anthem first detected unusual activity inside its network on Jan. 27, 2015 and verified the intrusion on Jan. 29, 2015. The company has yet to disclose when the initial intrusion began. Anthem CIO, Thomas Miller informed a leading journal that “the attack was first noticed when an administrator found that his database identifier code was being used to run database queries that he hadn 't launched. He says the company 's investigators found that the data had been exfiltrated to a popular online storage site”. According to the study which was conducted by a firm, U.S. and
What: 43 million records which include usernames, hashed passwords, email addresses and also ad-related data of users were hacked
In 2013, target corporation experienced a serious data breach where its security, as well as the payment system,was breached. The security breach was so intense in which case; it compromised over 40 million credit as well as debit card numbers. Furthermore, 70 million phone numbers, addresses, and other personal information was affected(Krebs, 2014).The attack was made without the knowledge of Target Corp. until mid-December when the department of defense notified the company that its system was being attacked. One problem that came out clear, in this case, was the fact that Target Corp. had been notified of the attack
What do Premara Blue Cross, Anthem, Chick-fil-A, Sony, USPS, MCX, Staples, Kmart, Dairy Queen, SuperValue, Jimmie John's, Viator, Home Depot, PF Chang's, Community Health Systems, and JP Morgan all have in common? Each of these companies were hacked during 2014-2015. Sadly, this is just a short list showing the breadth of industries and size of operations that are vulnerable. According to Time Magazine in March, 2015, "You're not just imagining it: Lately, a new data breach has been reported almost every week."
A root-cause analysis of the security breach revealed multi-factorial issues at the technical, individual, group, and organizational levels. At the technical level, the applications and web-tools were initially tested and evaluated in an ideal environments that was not equivalent to the clinical practice
The framers of the constitution did many things that limited the power of the president by creating impeachment, checks and balances, executive privilege, and allowing the legislature to declare war. However they gave the president too much power because they allow the president to court packing, they allow him to announce important events to the public, and allowing presidents to issue many executive orders. A president must be at least thirty five years old, a natural born citizen, and live in the United states (U.S.) for at least 14 years. The president is allowed to serve four year terms when he or she is elected.
seem to hack into a health care database, as the database is protected by a number of
The Target data breach remains one of the most notable breaches in history, it was the first time a CEO of a major corporation was fired due to a security event. The breach received an enormous amount of attention, it caused corporations and individuals to change the way they think about information security and data protection. Between Thanksgiving and Christmas 2013 hackers gained access to 40 million customer credit cards and personal data of 70 million Target customers. The intruders slipped in by using stolen credentials and from there gained access to vulnerable servers on Targets network to launch their attack and steal sensitive customer data from the POS cash registers. All this occurred without a response from Targets security operations center, even though security systems notified them of suspicious activity. The data was then sold on the black market for an estimated $53 million dollars. However, the cost to Target, creditors, and banks exceeded half of a billion dollars. This report will review how the infiltration occurred, what allowed the breach to occur including Targets response, and finally who was impacted by the security event.
So what should Paul, the CEO, do? First, he had better get off that sofa and give up the vain hope that IT can restore the system and get the hospital running again. Paul should also be in high communication mode with all of his constituents. He should understand that in today’s networked environment there are absolutely no secrets. Any IT breach forces an organization to ask, How much should we disclose about this threat? In
In February of 2015 the health insurance company Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield reported to the public that “tens of millions” of records with protected health information, including but not limited to: social security numbers, birthdays, full names, addresses. The Wall Street Journal has even gone so far as to say this might have been the single largest healthcare breach to ever have occurred. (Wilde Mathews, 2015).
“And this also,'' said Marlow suddenly, ``has been one of the dark places of the Earth.'' (Conrad) Are the first words spoken allowed by Marlow in Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness. Marlow goes on the say that he was thinking about the Roman conquers who came to England 1900 years ago. This comparison that Marlow divulges into in the beginnings of his story frames this story and what it intends to cover in its subject matter. Marlow begins here his only overt characterization of imperialism. He puts Rome in the position of the civilized and the native islanders in the position of the savage and what truly distinguishes one from another is not any level of civility but power. Marlow claims that “It was just robbery with violence, aggravated
The potential of violations can come from numerous sources (Lawrence & Weber, 2011) (Consumer Information). Recently Equifax had a data breach of their customer’s personal information. The hackers accessed the names, social security numbers, birthdates, and addresses of 142 million American consumers (Consumer Information). This is frightening and happens more often that we think. According to PricewaterhouseCoopers executive, ”Cybercrime has emerged as a formidable threat. Over the years millions have fallen victim to theses attacks. In a survey of 583 U.S. companies, 90 percent said that hackers breached their company’s computers over the last twelve months (Lawrence & Weber, 2011). Cyber crimes occur when hackers attempt to damage or destroy a computer network or system of company’s data. Criminals will use one of the most harmful systems around. This system is called a zombie. A zombie is
A good example of this is the attack that recently hit Metropolitan Urology Group in Milwaukee, Urology Austin and ABCD Children's Pediatrics in San Antonio. This attack led to the need for the three providers to notify 352,744 patients that their personal data might have been exposed. In addition, the providers are now paying for identity theft resolution services and/or credit monitoring for 12 months.
It is not unusual to encounter the term managing and coaching used in place of one another. Those who understand the difference might cringe a bit inside when this occurs because it is likely they have worked for, or with, a manager who certainly was not a coach, and consequently ineffective. More succinctly, coaching is a function of managing that every respectable leader of others must be able to do well.
Organizational misconduct is the chief cause behind corporate accounting scandals. The trusted executives of the corporation participation in actions during a scandal are corrupt and illegal. In the United States, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is typically the government agency that investigates such scandals. One of the most notorious corporate accounting scandals in the United States is the HealthSouth Corporation scandal of 2003. HealthSouth Corporation is one of the United States largest health care providers with locations nationwide. A deeper inspection of the HealthSouth scandal is needed to understand how it transpired by assessing how it was executed, the accounting issues and root of the issue, how it was exposed, the results to the company and its officers, and warranted ramifications as an outcome of the scandal.
The most critical social problem of the 21st century is Capitalism. Capitalism today is what use to be the color line as defined in the early 1900s by W. E. B Du Bois as: the question of the relation of the advanced races of men who happened to be white to the great majority of the undeveloped or half-developed nations of mankind who happen to be yellow, brown or black (Karenga). As Du Bois researched the color line, Capitalism in America is a systemic system of oppression transcended through time and space. In the 20th century, systems of systemic oppression were overt and known methods of suppression, alienation and repression, while today they are more covert in both practice and those who oppress.