Problems and History The issue of global warming should be on the list of our top priorities. Studies show that the average of global temperatures have risen since the Industrial Revolution began. Since the Industrial Revolution, human emissions has quadrupled the frequency of certain heat extremes and many scientists have warned that a failure to bring greenhouse gases under control could eventually lead to a 62-fold increase in extreme heat blasts (Gillis Justin A17). Most of the increase is due to human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. These activities contribute to a build-up in carbon dioxide and other gases in Earth’s atmosphere. The Earth’s atmosphere is made of gases like nitrogen, carbon dioxide and oxygen. These gases act as a blanket that covers and gives us warmth, but once these gases such as carbon dioxide absorbs heat, but does not release it back into space in which causes the increase in global temperature. This is called the greenhouse effect because it only traps heat but does not release it. In 1988, the United Nation reported that carbon dioxide levels are nearing a dangerous level of interference with the climate system so they have established the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (ProQuest). Greenhouse gas concentrations such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide are continuing to rise during 2014 and it is reaching historic values (International). A variety of independent datasets shows
Greenhouse gases are accumulating and the dominant cause seems to be the “fossil-fuel-based human economy” (Goodland 604). Greenhouse gases are accumulating in the atmosphere and fast; greenhouse gases include the release of carbon dioxide from burning coal, natural gas, and
Global warming has been a controversial topic for years and some have even denied its existence; however, as more studies are being published every day in regards to our changing climate, it is hard to ignore this growing issue and how humans contribute to it. The term greenhouse gases refers to the group of gases that are primarily responsible for global warming and chief among these gases is carbon dioxide. Rising carbon dioxide levels can be attributed to a combination of burning fossil fuels such as coal, natural gas, and petroleum as well as deforestation in general ( Source A). To slow the effects of global warming, it is important for leaders in our society to consider their greenhouse gas emissions, especially carbon dioxide, and make
The Earth is in trouble. There is a considerable amount of greenhouse gases in its atmosphere. A way to solve the issue is to change the way we obtain energy and choose to go to renewable energy. In 2015, Carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration in the atmosphere was reported* worldwide in March, a record high, in what scientists said marked a significant milestone for global warming. Dr. Ed Hawkins, a climate scientist at the University of Reading, told
There is an issue on this planet that will define this generation. The issue is climate change. Global warming. A world on the collapse as our oceans are acidified, our air polluted, our forests disappearing, and human rights issues getting worse. It seems that people are not aware of how big climate change actually is. It’s not something that only takes place on the ice caps or in the forests on the far corners of the world. This is an issue that happens here, and now. It’s real. It’s happening.
Global climate change has been a controversial issue for many years. Global climate change, often referred to as ‘global warming,’ is a broad issue that encompasses many categories. However, I have decided to focus more the on the health issues that arise due to the effects that Global Climate Change has had on this planet. As a concerned citizen, it is important to take into account where diseases are coming from and why people are getting ill; whether this is caused due to sanitation, vector or food borne factors. If physicians are able to practice preventative medicine more, then there is a chance to decrease the number of people that get ill. Global Climate Change is and should be a topic of concern because it is affecting the health of
The issue of climate change is people that have created the most carbon dioxide have used more than their share of the atmospheric sink to become rich. The issue of solving climate change though is everyone’s business, rich and poor countries alike need to solve problems together or risk a global catastrophe. The solution should be to use a global cap and trade system per capita which would compensate poor nations for damages that rich nations would cause.
Global warming and environmental issues such as contaminated water, the loss of habitats, etc. are topics that have raise the attention of many people (associations or campaigns) who are constantly trying to discover new ways to reduce global warming. This problem has many outcomes such as ice melting in Antarctica, the dramatic climate changes, among others; The list goes on and on of negative environmental issues that are happening and that are rapidly increasing each day. That is why these associations try to find ways to create awareness in people about the situation. Exploring about the different solutions that can help reduce or slow down the effect of global warming is a good way to answers questions like, “does recycling plastic materials help reduce global warming?” or, “How many people would have to cooperate to make a significant change to slow down the increment of global warming?”
The concept of global warming has become one of the most widely debated and controversial topics of our time. Scientists learned long ago that the earth’s climate has powerfully shaped the history of humanity. However, it is only in the past few decades that research has revealed that humans have a significant influence on the climate as well. A growing body of scientific evidence indicates that since 1950, the world’s climate has been warming, primarily as a result of emissions from the burning of fossil fuels and the destruction of tropical forests. More importantly, an article titled "Global Warming" published in the New York Times shows that methane, a gas that is emitted from landfills, livestock and oil gas facilities,
Global warming is already getting out of hand, though it has only recently come to the people’s attention. It first got the media’s attention when one of the worst droughts in decades was recorded in the summer of 1988 as stated by UC San Diego Virtual Museum. Speculation had developed that man-made greenhouse effects were finally put in estimated speculation that the earth’s temperature might arise. After that year, record breaking temperatures kept being recorded, and people were afraid that global warming has been already upon us, and it was only going to get worse. Carbon dioxide, is one of the major, harmful gases that gets trapped in the greenhouse effect. CO2 gets released when fossil fuels are burned and when CO2 circulatory systems are destroyed, such as deforestation. Just in the last ten years 25 million CO2 parts per million had
Mike Huckabee; the former governor of Arkansas, said: “The most important thing about global warming is this. Whether humans are responsible for the bulk of climate change is going to be left to the scientists, but it’s all of our responsibility to leave this planet in better shape for the future generations than we found it.” This addresses the controversy over climate change; even though many people support and advocate for taking immediate action to reduce the large footprint humans have made on the Earth, there’s just as many or more that are unwilling to do anything because whatever happens won’t occur in the current day, but instead years later. There are many factors to take into consideration; people should feel responsible for reversing
The impacts of increased greenhouse gas admission are evident through the rising global temperatures, causing extreme natural disasters and expanding sea levels. Anthropogenic climate change refers to the production of greenhouse gases emitted into the earth’s atmosphere as a result of human expansion and activity. According to research conducted by The National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Goddard Institute for Space Studies (NASA, 2016) the average global temperature of the Earth has risen 0.87 degrees Celsius from 1880 to 2016, the highest temperature rise recorded to date, as a result of heightened greenhouse gas admissions. It is essential to identify the causes of anthropogenic climate change and recognize the significant negative impact it is having on the global environment and the population.
Human activities have been identified as the most significant cause of recent climate change; it is often referred to ‘Global Warming’. The main cause of global warming is emission of greenhouse gases .The main source of energy today - coal, gases and oil produce greenhouse gases, in particular carbon dioxide. Nuclear energy can reduce the dependence on fossil fuels. It is used to generate electric power but unlike fossil fuels it does not emit greenhouse gases. Therefore, the best possible solution to limit the emission of greenhouse gases and to control change in climate .The major reasons to challenge the above thesis are reliability and efficiency of nuclear power, low greenhouse gas emissions and low cost electricity production from nuclear energy.
Global warming can be said to be accelerating in a rapid manner. In fact, many countries, ecosystems as well as people are suffering from its impacts. Climate change has affected the weather patterns and has indeed disrupted the variability and trends that exist in climate. This has resulted into an increase in climate-related extremes such as heavy downpour, floods, surges, and droughts. However, it has been seen that indeed most of the affected nations are the ones that have not even contributed immensely to pollution of the globe. Climate change presents an environmental challenge, economic challenge and social challenge to the country that it affects. Bangladesh is a standout amongst the most defenseless nations to climate
Scientists and environmental studies students have been documenting a rise in the melting of glaciers. It noticeable that the snow have been melting a lot earlier than expected every year. The production of greenhouse gases was in balance a long time ago, but that balance has been broken due to the human activity at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. The elevated burning of fossil fuels caused by human activity is the main reason for this balance to break. Plants and oceans cannot handle the huge amount of greenhouse gases that humans have been dumping in the atmosphere. According to The Union of Concerned Scientists, a major group of over two thousand scientists, there has been an increase of more than 30% percent in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, and it is estimated that it will triple by 2100. Carbon dioxide is the most abundant gas liberated in the burning of fossil fuels and also one of the most dangerous gases contibuting to climate change. Carbon dioxide represents about 84 percent of all greenhouse gases emitted by human activities. Carbon dioxide has a property that traps heat, thereby increasing global warming.
The global warming debate has been at the top of the list for environmentalists increasingly over the last twenty years. The controversy of global warming is either considered due to human activity or natural causes. Although the earth’s climate and temperatures have changed, that does not mean it is humanly caused. Despite the pretense linking the association between man and global warming, which is heavily supported by consensus of scientists, eco-sensitive politicians, and the effort to restrict on capitalistic freedoms, in reality global warming is merely a hoax.