Many tragedies that involve guns on school campuses make people worry. Parents often ponder the question, “Is my child safe?” The answer is never a guaranteed which causes parents to fret. Parents should stop worrying. They need to trust school officials will protect their child or children. School officials should feel free to open-carry. There should be trained individuals, whether it is a teacher or an administrator that are trained for gun incidents. Schools, who believe that an outside person should protect them, should hire a resource officer. Resource officers should be placed in every Elementary, Middle and High School over the continental United States. Colleges should look into having an officer in every building on their campuses. Metal detectors come next; they would catch potential threats before they intentionally hurt anyone. Lastly, for all of this to happen the number one step towards gun safety would be teaching about gun safety. Teaching students and staff members about gun safety would possibly lower the rate of gun violence in school. Gun safety in the school system should be promoted. School officials open-carrying possibly would make students feel safer. Ben Giles and Gary Grado, distinguished writers for the Arizona Capital Times, shared a nerve-wracking story in “To Shoot or…: A bill to Arm Teachers and Administrators could become Law in Arizona, Sparking New Gun Debate”. In the story they reported on how a child’s grandfather marched through the
The answer to gun violence in schools is not to put more guns in them. Equipping teachers with guns, who are little more than civilians, is not the smartest idea. This would not help prevent the type of deadly mass shootings we've been seeing lately. All that would do is increase the possibility of innocent people getting caught in the crossfire. Even if teachers were allowed to have access to weapons they would have to be locked up some where safe. They couldn't hide the gun in a classroom because it would be too dangerous and too easy to gain access of. If a student is holding a teacher hostage they wouldn't let them leave to go get their gun and come back. So why wouldn't you want a security guard arriving to handle the situation when they would always have a weapon on them? But what if the teacher did have te weapon on them and a confrontation happens in front of the whole class? Imagine the emotional distress it would cause the students to have all had to either watch their teacher or their classmate be shot to death. It wouldn't be worth it. Think about how you would feel if you had a child and had to send them to school everyday not knowing if their teachers are mentally stable
Numerous studies have been conducted to determine if teachers should be in possession of a firearm while on school properties and if this will decrease the number and magnitude of school shootings. Many scholars believe equipping teachers with firearms will be costly and end up unnecessarily endangering more students, but many scholars claim that a teacher should be the last line of defense against a school shooter. The question this paper hopes to answer is how can equipping teachers who teach grades K-12 help to prevent school shootings in the United States. This paper will attempt to answer that question by examining the perspectives of school administration and law enforcement, the impact on student’s safety and education, the
There have been several gun shootings in schools and students and teachers shouldn't be scared to go to school. Schools shouldn't have to have high security to keep things like this from happening. There needs to be stronger enforcement on this topic and there needs to be better punishments or ways to keep people from doing this.
Juvenile Crime says, “As a society, do we really want our teachers to be prepared to shoot children, perhaps even kill them?”After the tragedy at Dene Building of the La Loche Community School, schools are asking that teachers be allowed to carry guns to protect themselves and their students. As a high school student this is a mixed feeling for me. This subject truly speaks to me, because I firmly believe that if someone comes at you with a gun
School shootings have grown and become a big problem for the United States over the past four to five years. The issue is a hotly debated topic and has divided people because of their views. The truth is, there isn’t just one answer to this problem and people are so worried about their views and their guns they are slowing the rate of change. To truly reduce the number of shootings we need to, stop bullying in schools, improve support for the victims of bullying, make the ability to obtain a fully automatic weapon more difficult for the mentally ill, create a checklist or steps for schools to identify and deal with the problem, ban certain weapon accessories, and improve school safety.
Only four months into the calendar year of two-thousand-eighteen, and there have already been eighteen school shootings where someone was hurt or killed. That averages out to 1.4 shootings a week. “If only educators had a gun…” Staunch gun rights advocates across America continuously promote this scenario to lobby feverishly for the training and arming of school faculty. The issue of gun violence in schools has been a pressing issue on the forefront of national politics in the past few years. Although our elected United States President, Donald Trump argues that guns in the hands of teachers could prove to be beneficial, arming educators has the potential to promote a war zone, which inevitably could stimulate more violence; and allowing teachers to carry firearms could discourage
An evolving and highly debated problem that continues to grow in our society, is the gun control epidemic. Gun violence in America is a national epidemic. Many people carelessly take advantage of Gun use and manipulate the tool without much thought to any repercussions. Many lives have been loss due to people legally or illegally obtaining guns and taking matters upon themselves to be executioners in holding other people's lives in their hands. Specifically, ongoing gun violence in schools have become a horrific catastrophe. It is putting student lives at risk, in a place that is supposed to facilitate a certain level of safety for the students. According to the Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, there was 558 gun incidents in schools
School shootings are terrifying and a big problem in today’s society. Schools have added lockdown drills, bullet proof glass and metal detectors. School should be a safe area for children to learn instead of fearing for their life. Instead of buying metal detectors and hiring more officers, there is a much easier solution in order to decrease and prevent school shootings. We have to be more alert about securing weapons at home and being aware of suspicious behavior at school in order to keep children and faculty safe.
The issue of gun violence in schools has been a critical issue on the forefront of national politics in the previous years. There have been way too many school shootings in the United States and even in other countries. Governments are trying to come up with strategic solutions to fix this major issue. Many politicians and human rights activists have been advocating for better gun control and better ways to keep students more protected in schools. Some people believe that school faculty should be allowed to carry weapons as a measure of increased security. Gun control is a problem that must be tackled by rethinking the presence of guns in our society and not making the problem worse by adding more guns and allow an outlook of using guns to
In 2015, 13,367 people lost their lives due to gun violence according to Gun Violence Archive. The Archive also states that out of that number, 693 were children from ages 0-11. We can all agree that there is indeed a problem that we have to address. The solution to that problem, however, has been debated by many. I believe the solution to this problem exists in three parts: Mandatory training and licensing along with more heavily secure gun storage, stricter regulations on the purchasing of a firearm—disabilities and criminal records should be more deeply looked into before transaction—and finally, equipping teachers at highs schools with the right kind of weaponry to prevent mass shootings.
“We must respect the past, and mistrust the present, if we wish to provide for the safety of the future” was a quote by Joseph Joubert, a well-known essayist, put it simply. People ought to learn from and respect the past, don’t trust the present, all to make the future better. This is something to always live by because the past is not always right and the future should be provided for. Joubert had the right idea. Everyone could learn from his ideology even if they do not completely agree. A topic that is relevant right now and to this quote is gun control. Owning guns is our constitutional right. Many people take that right too far by purchasing military grade firearms. People have become divided on this very current issue. Some say there should be stronger restrictions on purchasing or owning a firearm, while other say there should not be stronger restrictions on purchasing or owning a firearm. Regardless of opinion, now is the right time for both sides to reach a compromise about this very important issue.
Have you ever thought about the fact that in America, an 18 year-old is old enough to buy a gun, but not a beer? The concern of a gun-crime being committed by a young man/woman is high, but what if they want to go hunting with their father? It doesn’t seem so bad now. Some people may think that our President isn’t effective enough, but there are too many people supporting each side for the President to make a large, yet fair decision. There may be two sides to the story, but what is the right option? This question of safety and gun control has become part of an on-going controversy due to views on The Constitution, the national gun control laws, as well as the fact that most Americans would like an updated background checking system.
Gun control has been a hot topic in the media lately. The government seems to think that it would be a wonderful idea to take away our right to bear arms. May I remind you this is our right according to the second amendment? The second amendment reads, "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Just to be clear on the meaning of the word infringe, it reads, “To actively break the terms of a law, agreement, etc.” With that in mind, why would any American think that it’s ok for our government to take away our right to bear arms? Not to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but is this not what Hitler did to the Jewish people, before launching his murderous campaign against them? Sure there would be some benefits to having gun control, I am not completely biased on the subject. But Newton said it best in his third law of motion which states, “for every action, there is an equal, and opposite reaction.”
Since 2013, there have been 306 school shootings in America. That is an average of one shooting per week. The mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, located in Parkland, FL was committed by nineteen-year-old, Nikolas Cruz. He was armed with an AR-15 and open-fired in the school, killing seventeen people and wounding several others. This is the deadliest school shooting since the 2012 massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. It’s extremely unfortunate to know that children are also victims of America’s gun violence crisis, even while attending school. It is even more unfortunate and frustrating to know that the National Rifle Association (NRA) use school shootings like Parkland to encourage policies that allow guns in schools. According to Everytownresearch, there is no evidence to validate the increased safety of arming teachers in schools. As a future early childhood educator, I am against bringing guns into my school and classroom. I hope this is not the change we take as a nation, because I believe students and faculty members deserve more respect than this.
To begin with, the first thing I will do to make schools safer is to install key card locks and metal detectors in every entrance. The reason why I want key card locks is because only faculty and students would have special key cards that would let them into the building and people without the key cards could not enter the building. This prevents any unauthorized personal to enter the building and endanger the faculty and students. The reason why schools need metal sectors is to make sure faculty or students are not carrying a dangerous weapon with them. Also, the schools should bring in a Police Officer so the kids can be educated by a person who knows about safety and protection. This will give students a better knowledge of gun safely. Another, idea is to have a gun drive in the local community. The reason why we should have a gun drive so people could trade in their guns for money. The reason why this is important is because young kids are curious and adventures. They can find anything in the house even if the parent puts stuff in a safe place. I guarantee kids will find items even though parents thought the area was a safe place. Kids will find items like guns because they think it looks cool and will bring them to school to show their friends. Then a kid will be injured or killed because they were playing with the weapon during recess or gym. Therefore, a gun drive would eliminate guns from homes because parents can not watch their kids