The jail reality Tour was overall a great experience. I learned many things I never knew, especially about drugs and alcohol, that I can use to better my life. The Tour had a deep impact on me, in multiple ways, and showed my how decisions in my past were not good ones. The portion of the tour that had the greatest impact on me was the last segment. When the woman stood in front of us all and talked about her son’s ore-mature death due to drugs, I couldn't help but feel deep compassion for her. The reason it had such a strong impact on me was because I imagined my own mother in that situation. I know that I can't let my own mother go through that same experience, so I need so keep myself drug free. Following my last point, the tour will …show more content…
One bad decision of mine in particular stands out to me. A friend of mine turned 16 a couple months ago, so a couple of his friends, including myself, decided we'd all go over his house and hang out for the night. I knew I had a hockey game the next morning, so I was aware that I should keep myself healthy and well rested for the next day. Despite my better judgement, I gave into the peer pressure of my friends and the situation and decided to have more fun than I intended. I ended up going to sleep around 3:00 a.m. and had to get up at 7:00 a.m. When I woke, I had a massive headache and dreaded the idea of having to play a hockey game. Inevitably, I went to my game, and played the worst game of my entire life. When analyzing the affects of my actions, I made the wrong decisions then night before. Since I played so poorly, my team noticed, and to top it off we ended up losing. Had a not partied and gotten to bed earlier, I could have played a much better game, and hopefully helped my team to a victory. Even more than letting my team down, I let myself down. I didn't just play poorly, but I let myself give in to negative peer pressure, and let it impact my decision
The Illinois Department of corrections had more than $1.7 billion dollars in prison costs. Is the number of daily cost of Illinois prison for one year? 32.5 percent were off-balance sheet expenses prison. The main problem of prisons in Illinois is spending 163.8 million worth of health insurance for employees. Illinois spends about $38,268 directly from inside according to the Institute. The cost to keep someone alive in prison is more than the death penalty. Every lethal injection costs $86.08.
On December 11, 2016 at approximately 1330 hours, Detention Officer Harden reported duty and was assigned to work 1200 Baker Street Jail, 3rd Floor, A-Pod Control Center. At approximately 1420 hours, Detention Officer Harden advised she was not feeling well. At approximately 1430 Hours, Detention Officer Harden had her blood pressure checked in the 1200 Jail Clinic and was advised it was elevated. At approximately 1440 hours I called for Houston Fire Department. At approximately 1445 hours Houston Fire Department Medic 17 arrived at 1200 Baker Street Jail. Detention Officer Harden declined transport at approximately 1500 hours. At approximately 1505 hours, Sergeant Chad King took Detention Officer Harden to her husband’s work location Lieutenant
This paper is about three differences between the Huntington County Jail and the Wabash County Jail. The Huntington County Jail and the Wabash County Jail are both similar and different. The jails are more similar than different; however, my essay is three ways they are different. The jails are different in capacity, the rec areas are different, and the community corrections are in different places.
On November 5, 2015 at approximately 1000 hours I took a jail tour of the Santa Cruz Correctional facility on Water Street, with Melinda Payne as my tour guide. There were a few things that stood out to me during the jail tour. First, I observed how clean and orderly the jail was. There were no bad odors and the walls, floors, and windows were well kept. Personally, I try to maintain a clean and organized workspace therefore the jail environment fit me well. Second, I noticed the overall size of facility. The jail is relatively small in size and was broken into different sections. Personally, I like this layout because I believe it allows for better communication to inmates and staff, better response to major incidents, and quick ability to
The Andersonville Prison, was opened on February 1864. This prison was originally planned to only have 10,000 prisoners, but there ended up being 45,000 prisoners here. This means that they were badly overcrowded.The prison is surrounded by a light fence that they call the “Deadline,” it is used to keep prisoners away from the walls. The government could not provide to their needs like they should. Prisoners did not have medical care, food, clothes, or housing. They eventually skeletonized and died. Almost 13,000 people died here. There was over 45000 Union soldiers confined here.
Andersonville Prison epitomized the ultimate crime against humanity. The atrocities that transpired in this confederate prison sparked reaction and outrage at the conclusion of the Civil War.
New Life Prison is a private prison located in an unincorporated area of Brentwood, CA New Life prison is a dormitory setting and a minimum security prison for level one and two male inmate population of 500. New Life Prison is too focused on lowering the recidivism rate in CA. New Life prison is a new private prison and receives funding from grants and donations. New Life mission is to focus on the level one and two inmate’s within the state prison system. New Life mission is to help these individuals move on passed the crime they have committed and began to live their life again. In 2004 Folsom state prison was able to move their level one and two inmates to a minimum security facility (Department of Correction 2015). Most of these inmates
On May 4 1920 at the school of Washington high they were preparing for their field trip to the Washington prison. The principal was trying to scare the kids so they don’t go to prison. They began the ride on the bus and talked the whole way, they finally go there and there were giant walls around the prison. All the kids wondered why they needed walls that high. Then a man named Jim walked out and smiled he said he was going to be giving them there tour.
Jail booking personnel do not know from day to day the types of inmates who will be brought to the jail by local, federal, and state law enforcement agencies, be other correctional institutions such as juvenile centers, local jails, out of state jails, or federal or state prisons. The jail booking desk is the main entry point. There are miscellaneous types of offenders who also pass through the booking desk such as the witness who is being held in protective custody. Another type of offender is an inmate from the jail system who violates a rule of work release or home incarceration program, or a criminal statute that dictates that inmate’s removal from such programs pending further criminal action. Jails may hold inmates who are serious security
According to the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, children who have at least one parent in prison at the age of six are twice as likely to be involved in criminal activities as their peers (ASPE n.d.). We have heard it said many times; like father, like son. It means that, in traits such as looks, speech, or character, children are much like their parents. Growing up in a difficult situation often has some negative effects. Children of incarcerated individuals in particular have a rough time. They struggle to have good relationships with their parents, if any at all. Many develop mental and physical health issues due to such hardships. Therefore, the best method of ensuring healthy development
As of 2015, America’s jail system has been depriving people of their liberty and incarcerating those who should not be in jail. This has resulted in out-of-control government spending issues. These are funds that could be used for other things. Spending that is related to constructing and operating jails has increased by 235 percent over the past few decades. Arrests that have led to jail time have increased from 51 percent to 95 percent. This is becoming a larger threat as the way is paved for future generations. Not only does this cause issues concerning funding, but it causes other issues that can lead to more serious problems.
The Juvenile jail tour was one of the best tour I have ever went on and experience. I have never visited or been to a jail before, so it was very interesting seeing how the facility is like. My first impression of the jail was that it looked like a normal government building from the outside. The inside of the jail was very clean, quiet, and well secure with several guards and supervisors. I was a little surprise at how clean the facility looked because most jails that are seen through the media is very dirty and crowded. I was also surprise at how low the number of people they have locked up in the facility. I was expecting a higher number, but after hearing how expensive it is to house an inmate there it was reasonable. Furthermore, as we
“Every year, 641,000 people walk out of prison gates, but people go to jail over 11 million times each year” (Rabuy). Within the United States, the incarceration rate is extremely high. For those who are incarcerated the percentage of people with a mental illness is remarkably prominent. For some offenders, there is another route out there such as diversionary programs which have a positive outcome. Diversionary programs such as The Choice is Yours is a beneficial route for first-time nonviolent felony drug offenders.
There are three models of prisons that have been prominent in American since the early 1940’s: custodial, rehabilitative, and reintegration. Each model is designed differently based on its overriding goal, and this affects the physical design, policies, and programs that are implemented within each of the models.
“Why Prisons Don’t Work,” is an article written by Wilbert Rideau and was published sometime prior to 1983 in the Angolite Newsletter. In this paper analysis will examine the credibility of the example used by the author to stage his claims.