
The Jail Reality Tour Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

The jail reality Tour was overall a great experience. I learned many things I never knew, especially about drugs and alcohol, that I can use to better my life. The Tour had a deep impact on me, in multiple ways, and showed my how decisions in my past were not good ones. The portion of the tour that had the greatest impact on me was the last segment. When the woman stood in front of us all and talked about her son’s ore-mature death due to drugs, I couldn't help but feel deep compassion for her. The reason it had such a strong impact on me was because I imagined my own mother in that situation. I know that I can't let my own mother go through that same experience, so I need so keep myself drug free. Following my last point, the tour will …show more content…

One bad decision of mine in particular stands out to me. A friend of mine turned 16 a couple months ago, so a couple of his friends, including myself, decided we'd all go over his house and hang out for the night. I knew I had a hockey game the next morning, so I was aware that I should keep myself healthy and well rested for the next day. Despite my better judgement, I gave into the peer pressure of my friends and the situation and decided to have more fun than I intended. I ended up going to sleep around 3:00 a.m. and had to get up at 7:00 a.m. When I woke, I had a massive headache and dreaded the idea of having to play a hockey game. Inevitably, I went to my game, and played the worst game of my entire life. When analyzing the affects of my actions, I made the wrong decisions then night before. Since I played so poorly, my team noticed, and to top it off we ended up losing. Had a not partied and gotten to bed earlier, I could have played a much better game, and hopefully helped my team to a victory. Even more than letting my team down, I let myself down. I didn't just play poorly, but I let myself give in to negative peer pressure, and let it impact my decision

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