
The Jefferson Country Library

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The site which I have selected for my site research paper, is the Jefferson Country Library located in 425 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY, 10011. I believe this site is a good match for this paper and this class because not only is it an ordinary library, it also holds many historical events. First and foremost, the Jefferson Country Library was originally a courthouse. There was a civil court on the second floor, which is now the Adult Reading Room and a police court, which is now the first-floor Children's Room. Also, the Reference Room was a holding area for prisoners that were on their way to jail or trial. In addition, the library is known for some of the famous, even sensational trials that took place when it was known as the Third …show more content…

This is where the trial of millionaire Harry Thaw for murdering Stanford White. It was center of attention throughout the entire nation in 1906 because of this trial. This case is known as the “Girl in the Red Velvet Swing” case. Harry K. Thaw was the heir to a coal and railroad fortune. He was trialed for brutally murdering Stanford White. White was one of America’s foremost architects. Thaw committed his crime due to jealousy. Basically, White had had an affair with Evelyn Nesbit. She was an actress and artist’s model before she got married to Harry Thaw. The phrase “the Girl in the Red Velvet Swing” was made famous because during the testimony of the case, it was discovered that a red velvet swing was built for Nesbit’s use in White’s apartment that was located in Madison Square Garden. After the trial, Thaw pleads temporary insanity and was sent to an asylum until his release in 1915. Furthermore, another known trial held in the courthouse was in 1896. Stephen Crane testified in the courthouse for a woman who he felt was wrongly arrested for prostitution. Crane was the author of The Red Badge of Courage. He said that he was studying human nature in New York’s Tenderloin when the situation took place in front of

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