
The Johnny Cash Project

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Success in this case was not about the economic value of profits but rather in its large participation and engagement levels of the fans on an innovative level. As argued by Hawkes (2001, 3) ‘A sustainable society depends upon a sustainable culture. If a society's culture disintegrates, so will everything else. Cultural action is required in order to lay the groundwork for a sustainable future.’ Sustainability across social and cultural bottom lines both proved to be an essential part of this project’s entrepreneurial success.
The team that put together The Johnny Cash Project consisted of a small variety of people whose roles consisted of different engagement levels that influenced their involvement with the project. …show more content…

In Fast Company on April 14, 2010 it shares that Ricardo Cerbail aka Mr. Doob provided the project with the needed programming skills to make the flash drawing tool that was the main interactive element of The Johnny Cash Project. Chris Milk collected archival footage of Johnny Cash for the music video stills and used his music video directing knowledge and skillset toward the project. According to The Aaron Koblin TED talk (2011), he used his prior experience of organising and producing crowd-sourced projects to the project, providing the team with constant and proven innovation. Radical media provided the website and the needed licenses and equipment and studios in order to release the site, providing for the project financially. Record labels American Recordings and Lost Highway provided the music through executive producer Rick Rubin (The Johnny Cash Project, 2010). This project is run on free access for the public to partake in as an entirely crowd sourced website that’s not profit based but rather social and …show more content…

(Dyer et al. 2008). The Johnny Cash Project has a diversity of networks in regard to stakeholders, but it could have been emphasised even more so. An example of a project that showed this large diversity of networks was the web based crowdsourced project The Exquisite Forest. This project was also run by Chris Milk and Aaron Koblin in 2012. As revealed by Google’s Youtube video (2012), they collaborated with Tate Modern’s artist team and Google’s Chrome browser, app engine and features such as Canvas, Javascript, Web and Audio API, creating a very large diverse network that was very new in its convergence of technologies to create an opportunity for people to group in a new sort of collaboration. A problem that was presented with The Johnny Cash Project was that it had a very small group of people that had to produce a lot of work. As The Exquisite Forest team involved a larger group of stakeholders, the work load was distributed more evenly so that team members could escape working tirelessly and rather share the workload in a collaborative

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