Success in this case was not about the economic value of profits but rather in its large participation and engagement levels of the fans on an innovative level. As argued by Hawkes (2001, 3) ‘A sustainable society depends upon a sustainable culture. If a society's culture disintegrates, so will everything else. Cultural action is required in order to lay the groundwork for a sustainable future.’ Sustainability across social and cultural bottom lines both proved to be an essential part of this project’s entrepreneurial success.
The team that put together The Johnny Cash Project consisted of a small variety of people whose roles consisted of different engagement levels that influenced their involvement with the project.
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In Fast Company on April 14, 2010 it shares that Ricardo Cerbail aka Mr. Doob provided the project with the needed programming skills to make the flash drawing tool that was the main interactive element of The Johnny Cash Project. Chris Milk collected archival footage of Johnny Cash for the music video stills and used his music video directing knowledge and skillset toward the project. According to The Aaron Koblin TED talk (2011), he used his prior experience of organising and producing crowd-sourced projects to the project, providing the team with constant and proven innovation. Radical media provided the website and the needed licenses and equipment and studios in order to release the site, providing for the project financially. Record labels American Recordings and Lost Highway provided the music through executive producer Rick Rubin (The Johnny Cash Project, 2010). This project is run on free access for the public to partake in as an entirely crowd sourced website that’s not profit based but rather social and …show more content…
(Dyer et al. 2008). The Johnny Cash Project has a diversity of networks in regard to stakeholders, but it could have been emphasised even more so. An example of a project that showed this large diversity of networks was the web based crowdsourced project The Exquisite Forest. This project was also run by Chris Milk and Aaron Koblin in 2012. As revealed by Google’s Youtube video (2012), they collaborated with Tate Modern’s artist team and Google’s Chrome browser, app engine and features such as Canvas, Javascript, Web and Audio API, creating a very large diverse network that was very new in its convergence of technologies to create an opportunity for people to group in a new sort of collaboration. A problem that was presented with The Johnny Cash Project was that it had a very small group of people that had to produce a lot of work. As The Exquisite Forest team involved a larger group of stakeholders, the work load was distributed more evenly so that team members could escape working tirelessly and rather share the workload in a collaborative
I worked cooperatively with Dania Ortiz and Kassandra Concepcion to do my Senior Footprint project. I made a google document and shared it with my group members. In addition to this, I assisted with inputting some of my own pictures into the document. We each cooperated with our ideas, such as coming up with advices and the order in which the advice would go. I sent multiple song ideas to Dania Ortiz that we could utilize for the background music of the iMovie. Furthermore, I took initiative and assigned the days that we would work on the project. Once we were all together, we all took turns in arranging the pictures with the advices. I worked on the project approximately for like an hour each time we worked on the project. Additionally, I
For example, the players believe that the supports are a huge role in what they do. Without that support of fans, there would not be a group. Clearly, the club has had a huge impact on the city of Detroit. Detroit City Futbol League is able to bring the people together as a sense of peace for a while
As for the future of in-venue fan enhancements similar to “Unite This House”, the effort to continue to identify innovative ways to attract fans and maintain attendance will forever be a goal for sport organizations and venues around the country and beyond. As in the world of entertainment, sporting events must remain as relevant as the teams that play in them. Where striving to be the best is as common as the competitiveness of a game or match.
These values were created to build trust with consumers to create a lifetime of avid fans. This company has stayed in business for 30 years and still going strong.
Robert Johnson’s “Cross Road Blues” (Crossroads) released in 1937. Robert Johnson is a legend, known as a figure in defining the foundation of the birth of Blues. His blues style was also very influential in the shaping of Rock and Roll. Before his young death at the young age of 27,
Primark, an Irish clothing retailer company was set up and headquartered in Dublin in 1969. Nowadays, there are over 250 stores across the United Kingdom, Ireland, Europe and the United States. Moreover, Primark operates with about 700 suppliers in China, India, Bangladesh, Turkey and Eastern Europe. Primark takes corporate social responsibility for the shareholders, owners, customers, suppliers as well as employees. Corporate social responsibility is that a company not only creates profits for the shareholders, but also undertakes the social responsibility for customers, employees and environment, including complying with business ethics, rights of workers and the rules of environmental protection. In order to develop continuously, corporate social responsibility plays an significant role in a company, which drives stakeholders have reliance on the company. This essay focuses on the ways in which Primark taking its duty to society and the ways in which the company should have done better.
This project was chosen simply because the members of our group saw a need that we
Ethan and I did this project on freedom. We had struggles with getting the movie clips to download. This was the biggest problem of this project. My job in this group was to set up the first half of the imovie, putting in quotes, pictures, and movie clips. I think that we should have a few more videos in our project to enhance the viewing process. The quality of our songs were a strength in our movie project. Our group worked well with each other, and Ethan was a good partner to work with. We completed the project in a timely manner; therefore, this gave us more time to work on our essay. We did not have any issues working together.
Working with my group partners, Grant Goodman and Ashley Garcia, was a great experience. Even though Grant knew more about the Valley Scholars Program, since he is a GA there, I feel like we all contributed to the final project. I will say that I feel like Grant and I did most of the
Peter Kjellerup’s Danish heritage and background strongly influenced the culture of the company, starting from the name to the commitment to sustainability and social responsibility. Sensitivity
All were a lot great ideas during the day of presentations; however there were a few that stood out to me the most that had the most viable business concepts. The first one I will be talking about will be Shooter’s Warehouse. Shooter’s Ware house stood out to me because it was something new and exciting and I never been to or seen anything like it before. But it wasn’t because it was new there was a lot of thought of that really pushed it into being a viable business concept. The team really hit what Kawasaki called the “Sweet Spot”(AOS pg9). It was obvious that members of the team had good expertise and love for the sport of soccer and wanted it to be more relevant in the city of Detroit so they hit that right on the dot. Secondly Passion
The soccer fans should start going to soccer events to show the city that this project is worth to have it.
As of three weeks ago, I now work for the Los Angeles Football Club (LAFC) as a Partnership Strategy Assistant. The LAFC is a brand soccer organization and will have its inaugural season in 2018. There are a few things that make this organization in particular very unique. Unlike most of the organizations involved with Major League Soccer (MLS), we are not a team, we are a football club. This is more than just a distinction in name but rather the foundation of our day to day operations. Much of what we do expands far outside the bounds of typical team’s functions. We have an increased engagement with the community and have a group of members – not just fans. Our Supporters are called the 3252. They have had a hand in many decisions
Jazz’s contribution to the group project was to work with other group members to help decipher actors within the group project, those that had the most agency, and those who had the least agency. She helped Kathleen, Zach, and Mike design the initial actor map showing the links of which actors would potentially have the most agency. In addition to this, she reached out to local businesses to see if they have been positively impacted by the project or negatively impacted by the project. Furthermore, She looked at how transportation of The Quarters housing project affected local businesses and if there was an increase or decrease in business sales over the last year and a half since the apartment complex has been built.
According to our text, innovations can develop as a result of pressures and opportunities from the environment. Environmental determinants are those that exist in the context outside of the organization that facilitate innovation or act as a barrier to innovation. Amy Howe, Ticketmaster’s CEO, sees a common thread in all the major changes the ticketing giant is pursuing. With mobile ticketing, social media – based selling, increased in – venue engagement, seat upgrades, and last minute offers, the millennial audience is in the center of all of these innovations. The entire sports industry is trying to find ways to more deeply reach customers now in their teens to mid – thirties. The millennial generation is a more digitally connected and socially oriented group, with the oldest portion of that demographic just beginning to approach their peak earning years. The millennial audience represents a quarter to a third of their overall revenue base. As baby boomers begin to become a smaller part of the audience for sport teams, millennials will soon be the