The world is coming to a great end and a young man with a scar down his face walks down the local street in front of your home. Then you begin to wonder… Is he the man that is destined to be the savior of mankind or the man that will bring this great earth to an end? The scar and or disability in which he or she may have is a valid representation of how the character has come to be. That scar can either drive the character into grave insanity, delving him or her into a life of hatred and despair, or it can also be the cause for the character’s drive for justice and peace. The so called “scar or disability” can be used to delve deeper into the studies of the character and their intentions.
A scar can be the symbol of the character’s drive toward heroism and prosperity for this great earth. In the epic series by J.K. Rowling, the main protagonist is a young man by the name of Harry Potter. In the beginning of the story, Harry is in hiding with his parents
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In the movies about the super hero Batman, he fights against the mentally insane super villain, The Joker. This villain has a scar on his face that represents his hatred towards the people of Gotham by the bloody smile that was caused by a tragic day in his past life. The Joker talks about his scar and how it has affected him by saying, “ Never be ashamed of a scar. It simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you.” When The Joker states to “Never be ashamed of a scar,” he basically means that he has admitted to his scar and he accepts what it has turned him into. Then he goes on to say that “ It simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you” He is meaning that he has overcome and dealt with the pain of his scar and prospered from what it has done to him. The Joker has accepted his scar and who it has turned him into, an insane-killer and a world class villain that everyone has on the edge of their
The Disappearance Do Not Write Here Have you ever heard of the Mafia? Do you know what they do? Did they do something to Hoffa? Do Not Write Here Jimmy Hoffa’s disappearance is still yet to be discovered as you are about to learn background. Hoffa was born to a poor coal miner in 1913.
In the book, The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer, the protagonist, Matteo Alacrán was not born but harvested. As the book goes more in depth, Matt has an unbearable final battle and figures out his true identity, which turns him into the hero that he becomes.
Killer Kane's actions contradict his description of himself as a loving person in many ways.
Matteo Alacrán is a clone, which are the roadkill of the land called Opium in the book The House of the Scorpion by Nancy Farmer. Matteo, also known as Matt throughout the story, is the clone of the Lord of Opium, who we later find out is a very evil man. At a young age, he had no friends besides his guardian, Celia, and lived in an isolated place in the farms of Opium. When he was six years old, he is found by 3 children. Steven is the original Matteo Alacran’s Great-Great-Grandson, while Emilia and Maria are the children of the Senator of the United States. At first sight, they believe Matt is an eejit, which is like a zombie, until Matt breaks the window and jumps out, landing on glass and passing out.
In the story, The House of the Scorpion, written by Nancy Farmer, The main character is Matteo (Matt) Alacrán. The main conflict in the book is that Matt is a clone of El Patrón. El Patrón is a very powerful drug lord the rules Opium. Clone are made/ created for organs for their real persona; so Matt was created so El Patron could have a heart or new organs to live. People hate clones because they are not real people and are just duplicates, that mean they have no purposes than for organs.
Revolver In the book Revolver, by Marcus Sedgwick, Sig is a 14- year old boy who lives in the Artic Wilderness. He lives with his sister, Anna, his father’s corpse, and his step mother Nayda. A strange man named Wolff comes to the cabin one day to find Sigs fathers gold. Sig doesn’t realize the danger he is in with this man.
Loyalty is essential for Matt in The House of the Scorpion. So many things in his world are erratic, making him rely on the people who are everlastingly steadfast in spite of any bumps down the road. Because of his social status, Matt is unable to make many deep connections with people as they seem to hate him. The relationships he does have and the connections he does make are the most important, as the bonds he has with these people can never be broken. We depend on one another, without even knowing it. Unconsciously, people become accustomed to the relationships in their daily life, not realizing how much they need the people they talk to every day. When someone does not interact with others regularly, instead conversing with the shadows,
As a child, I vividly remembering watching the movie, “It”. I remember this insignificant event clearly for one reason. It kept me up for days because I was so terrified by the film. “It” was originally a horror novel written by Steven King but was also released into a movie. Every great horror movie has a villain or monster and the monster in “It” goes by the name pennywise the clown. Pennywise the Clown induces fear in me and millions of others because his traits closely resemble those of Cohen’s seven thesis which define what make a monster.
William Golding contends in his novel “Lord of the flies” that the dangers of evil which lurk inside all of us savagery are through the character Roger. When one considers the word savagery, specifically within the frame of william golding’s novel, savagery comes as a result of freedom and no consequences. In the novel when Roger gets stuck on the island he isn’t certainly evil in fact he is a very shy kid . Although as the story progresses we see him descending into it evilness and savagery. We see that when Roger is walking on the beach with mauris after kicking the kids sandcastle, “Roger stooped, picked up a stone, aimed threw it at henry….threw it to miss.”(Chapter 4) This was a sign of savagery growing inside of him. He wanted to hit
“No one ever really pays for betrayal in silver,he thought.The price of any betrayal always comes due to flesh.”The quote was said by Roland’s brother,he was talking about Rolands journey,partically with the man in black.This quote is from the novel The Dark Tower 1:The Gunslinger.The puritans would despise the novel The Dark Tower 1:The Gunslinger Non-law abiding citizens,strong beliefs especially with witchcraft and supernatural,also them not having a sin free life.
The House of the Scorpion centers around the character of Matteo, or Matt as he’s more commonly referred to, and his struggles with identity. When discussing Matt’s identity, another character in the novel is integral to the discussion, El Patron. El Patron is the elephant in the room when it comes to Matt’s identity, because Matt is actually El Patron’s clone. Matt must face several conflicts that arise from his clone heritage. Throughout The House of the Scorpion, Matt must discover if he really has his own identity, if he can find or create his own identity, and if clones can have identities at all.
“I remember crawling under one of the orange trees and crying while Chase told Gator that we couldn’t play with him anymore.” (p. 12)
In the early ages, mankind was savage. William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, proves that humans are savage still today. Golding does a good job of showing the readers that without civilization, people go mad. Jack shows savage ways early in the book, and it is obvious that things will only get worse. Lord of the Flies shows that when left alone, even the most unlikely people will resort to savage ways.
"There were lashings of blood," said Jack, laughing and shuddering, "you should have seen it!" (Golding 69). In the story Lord of the flies by author William Golding uses a knife to symbolize savagery and the growing enmity and aggression; the knife is a symbol of power and violence. It is associated with Jack, but throughout the book the knife starts spreading into the other kids. Loss of Innocence connects with this symbol because throughout the story the kids mindset changes from a young mindset to a savagery mindset.
The Joker’s constant twitching and licking of his lips as possible evidence of an oral fixation and would want to ask the Joker about his relationship with his mother. If we go ahead and believe that the Joker really did have and hate his abusive alcoholic father, then we would explore the conflict between the Joker and his father and as a result, the underdevelopment of a superego. In the second narration of the origins of his scars, the Joker tells Rachel that he once had a wife that was cut up by mobsters and that in an effort to make her feel better, he carves his own face and was devastated when she leaves him. If we believe this version of the story, then his anger from his father