During an Odyssey trip of my own, I will be travelling to three different countries doing different things while I am there to visit. My first destination is London, United Kingdom while there I will be visiting the London Eye, Tower Bridge, and Trafalgar Square. My second place of interest for travel is Paris, France. While there to contain the boredom I will be a part of the tourist attractions such as the Eiffel Tower, Canal Saint-Martin, and the Place des Vosges. Third in my plane route is Barcelona, Spain. There to experience the beauty of their country, I will be looking at the Magic Fountain of Montjuic; Placa de Catalunya and the Sagrat Cor. London is the first destination on my list. While there I will be staying at the Kensington Close hotel a three and a half star rating out of five rating. With the flight included in the price the flight to London and a hotel for 2 days is a total of $2,197 leaving $7,803 left to spend on the rest of the trip. After checking into the hotel sooner or later I will be visiting the London Eye by bus for $1.50 one way (total of $9.00 for all transportation by bus). The London Eye is a large Ferris wheel on the South Bank of the River Thames in London, With its outstanding view many people often take it to see what London looks like from the sky, also known as the “highest viewing point in London” states Wikipedia “The structure is 135 metres (443 ft) tall and the wheel has a diameter of 120 metres (394 ft).” This attraction
Heroes, as shown in literature, often undertake the most difficult tasks and place themselves in mortal danger in order to bring back, for themselves and their societies, both knowledge and treasure. Their stories follow “Hero Journey.” The Odyssey, as the epic story of the hero Odysseus, follows closely the complete cycle of a Hero Journey, both as a physical and as a psychological undertaking. The Hero Journey, used as a framework for both Odysseus’ physical and mental journeys, serves to bind the two together. Each of Odysseus’s physical difficulties can be viewed as a metaphor for a psychological hardship that he must overcome, and by overcoming these hardships, Odysseus matures—achieving a more complete understanding of himself and
Gillian Dale (2010). Travel and Tourism level 3 Book 1. Oxford: Pearson Education Limited. 122-124.
Many years after the end of the Trojan War, Odysseus still hasn’t returned home to Ithaka. Many believe that he is dead, but the author lets us know that he is being held as a sex captive on the goddess Kalypso’s island. Kalypso has no plans of letting him go to return home either.
The physical journey of a character plays a central role in the book and influences many parts of it. Both The Odyssey and The Kite Runner, have main characters that go through a physical journey for different reasons that impacts their lives in many ways. By introspecting the books’ themes, archetypes, and symbols, it is more comprehensible. In The Odyssey and The Kite Runner both, the physical journey augments to the meaning of the books in total.
The Hero’s Journey is made up of a series of landmarks in which any hero follows on their journey. In Homer’s Odyssey, Odysseus, the main protagonist, follows through each step of this journey. His journey begins with his call to adventure. The start of his epic journey from Troy back home to Ithaca begins with his voyage to the Trojan War. Following when the war adjourned, Odysseus was called to lead his men home from the war which is the call to the journey that is explained in the epic. One of the most prominent parts of Odysseus’s journey is his Supernatural Aide or Mentors. There are many gods and goddesses whom offer their assistance to Odysseus along his journey. Following the start of Zeus’s curse on Odysseus in response to the
“There is something in the human spirit that will survive and prevail, there is a tiny and brilliant light burning in the heart of man that will not go out no matter how dark the world becomes.” The Odyssey and The Long Walk both exemplify the characteristic of humanity which Leo Tolstoy was referring to within this quote. The main characters of both works, Odysseus and Slavomir, go on journeys that, while physically challenging, tests the strength of their will. The determination and the overwhelming desire to return home of both men is what drives these characters to overcome immeasurable odds. Multiple parallels can be drawn between the two books, from the obstacles the characters face to the symbolism that can be found in Slavomir’s and Odysseus’s journeys. The Long Walk shows how Grecian Epics, such as The Odyssey, are still applicable in the modern day as representations of Humanities’ predominant and all-consuming desire to survive, and the specific desire to not only survive but to do so in the place one calls home.
Many forms of popular culture today are inspired by themes, characters, and other references in various types of classical literature. John Denver's song 'Calypso'; is about the relationship between men and women, and he bases this comparison on the relationship between Kalypso and Odysseus in Homer's the Odyssey. In 'Calypso'; Denver portrays women in general as being superior to men by using the beautiful and enchanting goddess, Kalypso, from Homer's epic. John Denver encompasses all women in his song by providing Kalypso as a universal symbol. Along with the relationship between Odysseus and Kalypso and men and women, there are other interpreted allusions from the Odyssey to Kalypso's song.
The Odyssey is an epic composed by Homer, an early Greek storyteller. This epic was the basis for Greek and Roman education. Epics are long poems marked by adventure. The main character in an epic is an epic hero.
The timeless story, The Odyssey, has left it’s mark in literature as one of the first narratives depicting the hero’s journey cycle. This work of creative writing has laid the foundation of storytelling that would later inspire other popular writings like, The Hunger Games, The Lord of The Rings, and Harry Potter. How has this ancient novel withstand the sands of time and remain relevant and appealing even to modern day readers? The Odyssey touches upon many topics that appear attractive to even present-day audiences. Such as adventure, romance, action, and magic. Moreover, this heart-pumping story includes many engrossing and varied personas that we are able to relate to and fathom in the real world. Many diverse characters face choices
All heroes around the world go through a journey of their own. Those journeys can be a physical, , mental, emotional journey, and lots more. These types of personal journeys are demonstrated in an epic poem, The Odyssey, by Homer, an interview, The Hero’s adventure by Joseph Campbell and Bill Moyers, a short poem, Courage by Anne Sexton, a graphic novel, The Odyssey by Gareth Hinds. They all show how journeys can be transformative and show a person’s strengths and/or weaknesses.
The Odyssey is a a beautiful Epic about a man who has hope through his entire journey.When we see him on Calypso he has been to sea for a while, while he wants to go home he continues to go to her bed each night,however regrets it in the morning.One part about this journey that sticks out is why its taking so long.It wouldn't have taken this long is he didn't poke out Poseidon's son (Polyphemus) eye,which let to the Polyphemus praying that Odysseus does return home he just happens to return home alone through treacherous journey.This led to the twenty year journey.
The life of a God, forever bliss, complete happiness: Odysseus slights all of these things in order for him to return to his loving wife and son. The concept of true commitment was a very commendable quality for a Greek hero to possess. With this character trait, Odysseus models the ideal husband, father, and leader. Unfortunately, in today’s society, one rarely encounters such outstanding morality. Being raised in an explicit society, a decrease in certain morals has become fashionable. In particular, the college experience has become accepted as the “wild times” of one’s life. Certain activities ordinarily shunned are now perceived as a learning experience when involving a college student. Drugs and alcohol abuse are commonplace around
Odysseus left Calypso’s Island and began his journey back home. His odyssey might be described as one’s own life struggles. There are ups and downs to every situation, and through reading The Odyssey, readers can connect parallels between Odysseus’ experiences and lessons learned in their own life. Human weaknesses can still prevail through even the strongest men you may think of; examples of this are shown in this epic. Even though there is a large gap in space between Odysseus’ travels and the present, human nature and weakness still share the same obstacles.
Throughout vast journeys of many heroes, no other hero had a more complex journey than Odysseus. This journey is called The Odyssey, written by Homer. It is an epic poem or story told of a hero name Odysseus on a 20-year voyage trying to get back home from the Trojan War. The great epic poem known as The Odyssey and attributed to Homer was probably first written down around the eighth century BC, but the origins of the ancient story in myth, legend, and folklore and art appear to be much older. Greek Epic Hero When you think about Greek Epic heroes, Odysseus will most likely come to mind. Odysseus is the main character in Homer's poem "The Odyssey." "The Odyssey" is a narrative poem that describes Odysseus' adventures
Throughout this class we have studied multiple types of heroes starting with Gilgamesh, then Odysseus, and then Aeneas. All of whom were individuals that exemplified strength, loyalty, and courage no matter the obstacles in their way. Additionally, they shared common skills such as being exemplarily military leaders, as well as being the leaders of their own houses. These characters, with the exception of Gilgamesh, were so heroic that they even traveled to the depths of hell in order to face death and show demonstrate their immense heroism. However, none of these heroes have influenced me as much as the philosophers that tackled the questions of morality and what it means to live the good life. “The difficult thing is not to escape death, I think, but to escape wickedness” (Apology, 528).