
The Joy Luck Club Research Paper

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Mother’s Love
Moving from hometown to another city is always hard for people, imagine moving to a whole new country, where people speak a different language, different culture and different lifestyle, it will take us years to blend in the new environment, some people won’t blend in forever. In the novel The Joy Luck Club generation gap is a big problem between four mothers and daughters. The author Amy Tan herself is a first generation Chinese American, she was born in Oakland, California, her parents emigrated from China to America two years before she was born. She moved to Santa Clara after spending much of her childhood in the bay area. Sadly Tan’s brother and father died of brain tumors within eight months in 1968. She went to Switzerland …show more content…

“What will I say? What can I tell them about my mother? I don’t know anything”(Tan). When her aunties ask her to tell her lost sisters about her mother when her mother died, she was shocked because she didn’t know what to say at all. Because all these years they never understand each other. All these years they have conflicts, she thought her mother does not like her, because her mother always criticize her about everything. But she did not know that her mother’s criticism her because she did it because she love her, she wants her to be better, she has high expectation on her. But June did not know that. “Jing-mei thinks that her mother's English is terrible, but her mother prides herself in her Chinese language”(Cultural barrier through communication--as explained in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club"). This is one of the reasons why they cannot communicate well, because her mother prefer speak Chinese than English, but their daughters does not understand Chinese that well. So there are many misunderstood among …show more content…

They made contacts with them, and they want June go to China and tell them everything about their mother. She started to understand the stories her mother told her when she was small: “That’s the way Chinese mothers show they love their children, not through hugs and kisses but with stern offerings of steamed dumplings, duck gizzards, and crab” (Tan 202). June finally understand that Chinese mother shows their love in a different way. “Only after the mother's death does she comes to know of her past and her plans for the future which came as a shocking revelation”("Cultural barrier through communication--as explained in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club.") She finally understand the reason of her mother always criticism her, the reason is not that she does not love her, is because her mother has high expectation on her, she wants be responsible for her since she had to abandoned her twin daughters because of war. “Suyuan's grown twin daughters never leave the significant geographical place of their mother--the city of Shanghai”.("Negotiating the Geography of Mother-Daughter Relationships in Amy Tan's The Joy Luck Club." ). Not only June understands her mother, but also the twins understand and forgive their mother too. they stayed in the same city hoped someday their real mother will come back and reunited with them. Because they knew their

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