Homework II: Discuss the key features of the religion of Islam. Make use of the Quran in your analysis. The key features of the religion of Islam were hard to define in such a short paper. I find myself fascinated with the Muslim belief system and their celebratory festivals. The more I have read Muslims, the more I have come to understand that our religions have a lot in common. As a Christian, I believe there is only one God as stated in Deuteronomy 6:4-5(NIV Bible). Muslims also believe there is only one God (Qur’an 3:18). We have our celebrations of faith via communion, prayer, Good Friday, Easter, and Christmas (the birth of Christ). Muslims have Ramadan, Eid-al-Fir, Dhu Al-Hijja, Eid-al-adha, The first day of Muharram, The twelfth day of Rabi I, and Mirajun Nabi. Our Christian rituals and beliefs are only different to Muslims, by the mere name or style in which we carry out our worship services. The Muslim people believe there is only one God (Qur’an 3:18), their celebrations of faith are: • Ramadan: Celebrates the gift of the Qur 'an. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims must fast between sunrise and sunset. • Eid-al-Fitr: The festival for the first day after Ramadan. • Dhu Al-Hijja: The month of pilgrimage during which all Muslims, at least once in their life, should try to make the pilgrimage to Mecca. • Eid-al-adha: The Festival of Sacrifice which occurs 70 days after Eid-al-Fitr. It commemorates Abraham 's willingness to sacrifice his son for God.
is Friday in the mosque. “Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar, is considered as
Have you ever wondered about the Islamic faith?In the introduction of Muhammad and the Faith of Islam it talks about his early life and how he became God’s messenger.Source 2 was about the differences of Judaism, Christianity, and the Islam religion.The Muslim Holy month of Ramadan was about the Five pillars and what the Muslims like to do on the month.The Islam religion was made by Muhammad when he received a message from god.
The forth pillar of faith is referred to as Sawm. From sunrise to sunset during the month of Ramadan adult Muslim’s are expected to partake in fasting. This means they mustn’t eat, drink, smoke or have sexual intercourse within the hours of daylight. Instead one should take the time to prayer reflect or meditate. Participating in fasting Muslim’s learns the traits of self-control, sympathy and discipline. These are important qualities for all Muslims to have, as the principal belief of Al-Akhira is that we humans, despite God’s will, have the freedom of choice. This way Muslim’s are able to exercise this belief during fasting. Ramadan is the celebration of the first revelation of the Qur’an given directly through the prophet Muhammad, therefore it is a sacred time of special significance to all Muslim’s. Kutubu’llah is the name given to the principal belief in God’s revelation to humans in holy books. The breaking of the fast is a significant part of Sawm, it is the time after sunset when Muslims can enjoy their achievement in fasting. Gathering together among friends and family they may share and light meal and celebrate their self-control and strength throughout the day. This small act highlights
There are many similarities and differences between Judaism, Christianity and Islam. There are also many differences that separate the three major religions of the world. This paper will delve into all three of them.
Islam is the religion founded from the teachings of the prophet Muhammad.It is often depicted as a violent and irrational religion by the United States. This is not entirely true and although some of its customs may seem hostile there is always a reason for them. We must learn to respect the opinions of everyone and make correct choices for ourselves accordingly. Islam is represented by a crescent moon and a star. The moon is depicted as waxing or waning. Islam has Three Major Holy cities: Mecca, Medina, and Jerusalem.The symbolic essence of the religious holidays of Islam are quite large and are celebrated slightly different according to your denomination. For example, if you are a Sunni Muslim then you would not participate in the act of beating yourself and cutting yourself as a Shi’ite Muslim would practice on the holy day of Ashura. Other popular Islamic holidays include Maulid, the
One of the Five Pillars keep the people from sinning and actually enforce that you do good for society. Other Pillars include rules such as fasting or praying. One of the Five Pillars is Shahadah, sincerely reciting the Muslim profession of faith. It is the same as how Christians get baptized. The person going through Shahadah will recite the profession of faith, which, in english, is, “There is no god but God and Muhammad is his messenger” (Muslim 1). When one says the Shahadah, he or she is stating that he or she believes the Allah is the only god, Allah never had a son, and that he is indivisible. Then there is the Hajj, another Pillar of Islam. Hajj is the pilgrimage to Mecca. The Hajj is an event held from the 8th to the 12th of the last month on the Islamic calendar which is Dhu al-Hijjah. It is considered mandatory for any Islamic adult who is financially stable to participate in the Hajj. If one fulfills those circumstances they are considered mustati. “During Hajj, pilgrims join processions of hundreds of thousands of people, who simultaneously converge on Mecca for the week of the Hajj, and perform a series of rituals such as: each person walks counter-clockwise seven times around
Eid is a religious holiday that is celebrated by Muslims; it occurs two times in a year. Eid al-Fitr is celebrated to mark the end of the fasting month, the month in which the Muslim holy book, the Quran, was revealed to the prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Another Eid occurs a few months later which is called, Eid al-Adha. This Eid is important to Muslims because it commemorates the willingness of Prophet Abraham to follow God’s command to sacrifice his son.
The fourth pillar of the Five Pillars of Islam is fasting during Ramadan. Ramadan is a sacred holiday in the Muslim faith. It falls in the ninth month of the Muslim calendar and is a celebration of Muhammad’s first revelations from God. During the month of Ramadan, Muslims fast from dawn until dusk. This continues until the end of the month, when a celebratory feast
Islam has six main beliefs in the Six Pillars of Faith, fundamental beliefs that every Muslim must follow, however, I will only be covering three main beliefs; the belief in Allah the only God, the belief in the Prophets and the belief in the Angels. All these beliefs are mentioned in the Holy Qur'an, the Islamic sacred book, and also mentioned by Muhammad the Prophet, God’s messenger.
On the surface, Islam and Christianity appear to have very little in common, however, as you get deeper into areas such as rituals, beliefs, ethics, founders, and sacred objects, the two show strong mutual similarities, particularly in the fundamental areas, while being totally different. In this essay I will compare and contrast many of the facets that make up the worlds largest and most recognized religions, Christianity and Islam.
Hajj to go on their behalf, of they can give the money they saved for
It is a belief system, a culture, a structure of government, and a way of life. Thus, in Somalia, attitudes, social customs, and gender roles are primarily based on Islamic tradition. Important Muslim holidays include Ramadan, Id al-Fitr, Id al-Adha, and Moulid. Ramadan is in the ninth month of the lunar calendar. During the 30 days of the holiday, people pray, and they refrain from eating and drinking during the day. Children (usually defined as under 14 years old) are exempted from the fast. Some religious observance of Ramadan extends the fast for an additional 7 days. Immediately following Ramadan is the holiday of Id al-Fitr, which marks the end of the fast. This celebration involves big family gatherings and gifts for children. Id al-Adha is the most important holiday of the calendar year, commemorating the sacrifice of Abraham. This is the time for making pilgrimages to Saudi Arabia. Moulid (or Mouloud, or Mawlid an Nabi) is another important holiday, commemorating the birth and death of the prophet Mohammed. Many religious holidays in Somalia would involve the ritual killing of a lamb or goat. On a side note, Somalis celebrate their Independence from colonial power and unification of the Northern and Southern colonies on July first. Islam requires followers to adhere to its five pillars: 1) Belief in Allah, one God; 2) Regular prayer (five times a day, facing Mecca); 3) Fasting from food and water
This research paper, illuminates and reviews Islam and how its began, by its Prophet Muhammad until his death. Summarizing some of its practices and beliefs.
Islam began in Mecca and Medina at the start of the 7th century, and it slowly expanded to all over the world. Islamic religion, which is belong to Muslims, have beliefs, prayers and worship like every religion has. Beliefs are very significant in Islam. To be considered a Muslim, there are some requirements that people have to follow and apply. We can clearly say that Muslims have remarkable faiths when we talk about Islam which make people curious at first. In fact, they believe in one and only incomparable God that is called “Allah”, they have faith in holy book which is also named Qur’an, and lastly they do fasting all day to be closer to God and remind themselves suffering of hunger. As we will see, belief in God (Allah), belief in Namaz (Salat or Prayer), and belief of Ramadan are the most distinct beliefs of Islamic religion.
Islam is a monotheistic religion that is the second largest religion in the world. The followers of this religion are called Muslims and they worship Allah. The Quran is their bible. In this paper, I will explain the origin and beliefs of this religion.