
The Kingdom : My Understanding Of The Kingdom Of God

Decent Essays

My story inside of God’s story is just a small part of his creation, but it is important. God’s story is what is most important. I am just one of the lucky human beings who gets to live in his kingdom. In this paper, I am going to talk about my understanding of God’s Kingdom, what I have a hard time understanding about the Kingdom of God, and how I am dealing with those questions. I am also going to talk about what are the demanding needs in the Kingdom of God today.
To my understanding, the kingdom is Christ’s reign of grace in the hearts of his people. It is everything he has created. Therefore, everything but himself is part of his kingdom. This kingdom is ruled by a King. The King is God, or Jesus Christ. The King exercises his rule in the hearts of his elect people, and has authority over their lives. He reigns in our hearts by his grace. God is a spirit and therefore his kingdom is spiritual. The citizens of his kingdom are the elect in Christ alone. They are not of this world, but are of God. God has been preparing this kingdom from before the elect people were even born.
Christ’s kingdom has come in our hearts, but is not yet complete. God put us on this earth to rule it, as well as service him. Our service to him is to help his creation flourish and bring Shalom to his kingdom. The kingdom of darkness continues to seek a way in our heart. That is the kingdom that we were born into. Therefore, there is constantly war in our hearts between these two kingdoms. In the

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