
The Kite Runner Quotes Analysis

Decent Essays

Baba chased after redemption but failed because he could not own up to his actions. When his decisions of the past were unheard of to all ears besides his own Baba was known as a noble and dependable man. No one in the city of Kabul thought anything less than greatness and admiration from him. “But no one ever doubted the veracity of any story about Baba. And if they did, well, Baba did have those three parallel scars coursing a jagged path down his back.”( ) This quote helps prove that Baba was considered an honorable man that was loved by many and trusted by all. Every person that knew of Baba knew of what he has done to bring comfort to his city. Two examples of this was when he had built an orphanage to insure safety for unlucky children

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