
The Lady Of Shalott Essay

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The Lady of Shalott Assignment

In the poem “The Lady of Shalott” by Alfred Lord Tennyson, many contradictions are introduced to force the reader to think further into the meaning behind the poem. There are times in life when to get others to truly understand what is being said one must contradict what has been previously told to the reader. This action in and of itself is a contradiction; for to achieve perfect clarity one must confuse. Tennyson uses this technique multiple times throughout the poem. “Contradiction is not a sign of falsity, nor the lack of contradiction a sign of truth.” (Blaise Pascal)

First, there is the contradiction of where she is versus what she sees. When its first heard the description of camelot Tennyson describes it is as lively and vibrant,“...And up and down the people go…”(Tennyson 6). Then, when describing the residence of the Lady of Shalott he describes it as tomblike,”...Four gray walls, and four ray towers…”(15). These two worlds are a such amazing odds with each other that it makes it …show more content…

The author is describing that which is seen through The Lady of Shalott’s mirror before she decides that it is time for a change. In order to see the big picture, one must see both the light,”...Came two young lovers lately wed…”(70) and the dark,”...A funeral, with plumes and lights…”(67). As The Lady of Shalott sees this bigger picture she realizes that where she is is not where she wants to be and what she has is not what she wants. Many people go through this process, we call it a wake up call; it usually occurs when someone has come close to death and then felt the sweet relief of life. They often feel the need to reevaluate what they have done and want to do with their lives. The Lady of Shalott does not experience near death, but in witnessing the end of one person's life and the start of another it is drawn to her attention what she is lacking in

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