
The Language Of Men Are From Mars

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Beside the physical differences exist between men and women, the type of language they use are completely distinctive. Many books and articles were published on the differences between men and women in terms of language they use. For example, the book titled " Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus (1992) by John Gray focuses mainly on the failure of communication between men and women due to their different styles of communication. The more scientific research on how the genders speech and differ in their discourse analyzes the forms of speech, topics, intonation or grammatical features which make the language of men and women distinct such as Frederike Braun, 1997; Anja Gottburgsen, 1997; Ulrike Grässel, 1997; Robin Lakoff, 2004. …show more content…

As much as their choice of forms of expression is guided by the thoughts they want to express, to the same extent the way they feel about the things in the real world governs the way they express themselves about these things. Two words have the same meaning in their denotative sense, but one will be used in case a speaker feels favorably toward the object the word denotes, the other if he or she is unfavorably disposed. Similar situations are legion, involving unexpectedness, interest, and other emotional reactions on the part of the speaker to what he or she is talking about (Lakoff, 2004).
Both casual and serious observers of the human condition have long understood that communication between the sexes is often frustrating. A possible reason of the difficulty is that men and women may in fact not really be speaking the same language (Jong, 1977; Reik, 1954). Aspects of form, topic, content, and use of oral and spoken language have been identified as something associated with sex. Either men or women are more likely to make and produce specific utterances.
In this paper the researcher focused on women language and investigated the women's features of speech as well as the power of feminine discourse in the …show more content…

The formation also commonly concludes between the ages of four and six (Stein, et al. 1997). Gender identity is affected by influence of others, social interactions, and a child’s own personal interest. Understanding gender can be broken down into four parts: (1) understanding the concept of gender, (2) learning gender role standards and stereotypes, (3) identifying with parents, and (4) forming gender preference (Newmann, 2008). A three year old can identify themselves as a boy or a girl, though they do not yet fully understand the implications of gender (Newmann,

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