
The Last Emancipation Of Death Camps

Good Essays

It’s been six decade since the last emancipation of death camps which were located in different parts of Europe. Holocaust is one of the most tragic events in the history that has always been the interesting subject for historians. According to Jewish Virtual Library, it was about six million Jews were massacred for no decent reason. In William Lace’s book, The Death Camps, he stated that Jews are not the only one killed in the holocaust but also about five million of Gypsies and other people were murdered, that time there was no way that anyone could stop the Nazis from killing blameless people. People were agonized from their homes and taken to ghettos. People from that time were also brought to the concentration camps and …show more content…

Adolf Hitler was the head behind the wide massacres. He killed people by groups, just because they are Jews in nature. Germans would use guns to kill the Jews but as time goes by the German authorities uses gas chambers to kill people. At first when the Jews arrived they were lied to. The Germans will persuade the Jews that it was only a labor camp. The Jews would then fall into line and the Nazi authorities would decide who would live and die. Only the strongest ones would live and the weak ones were sent to death. They were sent to take bath which was actually the bath of death. Gas would come out and showers the prisoners and everyone will be suffocated and in there died. After the suffocation they were moved into large ovens and burn and dispose their bodies. All camps were full of deception and no German can be trusted. Many Jews was starved to death because of hunger and that’s not enough to keep them alive. It’s apparently a helpful source to know the stories and experiences behind those bars. Today, lots of movies, poems, stories and novels deal with the holocaust in multiple ways, which cover most of the literary genre. This literature includes some interviews, stories of the survivors and diaries all over the world to know the kin information what happened in the concertation camps during the holocaust era. All these literary text are unique and outstanding in how they deal the history through their vivid memories and how people began

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