
The Last King Of Scotland Essay

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The Last King of Scotland is based on Ibi Amin, played by Forest Whitaker. Ibi Amin became president of Uganda after performing a coup in 1971, and remained the country’s dictator for the rest of the decade. During his reign, up to half a million people are estimated to have been murdered by his regime. The film does not focus deeply on the genocide that occurs during this time period, but the representation of Ibi Amin being a cold-hearted dictator was evident throughout the film. The film is dictation of the effects of colonialism and the post-colonial theory that took place in Uganda. Colonialism has many effects on both the colonizer and those that are being colonized. The aspects of colonialism from a colonizer perspective are that it is beneficial and useful. Colonizers believed that coming to Uganda with modern medicine and new doctors was a benefit to the land. In many cases it may have been but 80% of the Ugandan people did not use the doctors, and preferred the witch doctor. The colonized perspective is that they are being invaded and modern ideas are being forced upon them. Colonialism during the Amin reign had a negative effect on the colonized because many did not benefit from his actions. Many of the colonized were suffering from …show more content…

The doctor brought a sense of sincerity, because he came to Uganda unaware of the history or problem. His ignorance to the things the president was doing made him a victim in some cases, because his goal was to help people but saw that his efforts were not enough to truly help the people of Uganda. His perspective also takes away from the struggle of the people and the fear they faced on a daily. He could never fully grasp and portray to the audience the hatred the people felt of Amin, and the terror they felt by the hands of him and his

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